K-pop stans or Korean pop music fans struck again, Tuesday (June 23), with yet another hashtag #ItsOkayToBeRacist in an apparent bid to drown out racial bias on the platform. But, things didn’t go as planned after people slammed the stans for promoting hatred and racism.

It was only earlier this month when they ruled the Internet with their sarcastic take on the #WhiteLivesMatter trend. However, users, this time, believed it was going too far considering South Korea is one of the least diverse countries in the world.

The newer hashtag, which appeared to have been started by the K-pop fandom, was characterized as disgraceful to the Black community, with a number of users saying it undermines the extent of racism they encounter on a daily basis.

“Ironic that one of the least diverse countries in the world, Korea boy bands is spamming a twitter trend #ItsOkayToBeRacist Try being a black guy in Korea,” one user noted.

"KPop did it. KPop crew has been trying to get things to trend to watch everyone fight and think it’s real," a tweet read.

Meanwhile, a user reminded K-pop fans it was below par to use fancams as a tool against online racism.

"Thanks to #kpop I don’t know how the f**k they say that so don't blame me for this if I got it wrong. For taking over the hashtag #ItsOkayToBeRacist you used your fan cams for good have a crown. Remember it is not okay to be racist," the tweet read.

A few users were even annoyed to the point of blocking any K-pop account that came their way.

“#WhiteLivesMatter #ItsOkayToBeRacist I’m on a mission to block all kpop accounts, please help me out by responding to this with dancing Koreans so I can block you,” the user said.

“k-pop stan are really coming through lately #ItsOkayToBeRacist also it's not okay to be fucking racist!!!” said another.

In the middle of everything, some K-pop stans also squarely passed the blame on to the white community for practicing racism.

“It seems my message didn’t get across, I meant people who were saying it’s okay to be racist. Of course any race can be racist but where I live it’s usually white people who are racist,” the user noted.

BTS at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve
The boy band BTS is pictured. Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for Dick Clark Productions