Sung-bong Choi, an orphan at 3, lived on the streets alone for 10 years. When he appeared on Korea's Got Talent, he told the judges he used to sleep on stairs or a public toilet. Though he did not go to elementary or middle school, Choi tested to the next level where he entered high school. Having little vocal training, the 22-year-old learned how to sing by teaching himself. He told the judges, Rather than saying 'I sing because I enjoy it,' I like singing because it was the first thing I liked after living that dayfly-like life.

I'm not a good singer, but I just like it. reported, It may have seemed like he had a tough childhood, but when netizens researched and found out that he actually was musically trained from attending the prestigious Dae Jun vocal department, controversy arose. His side defended this by saying that he had already revealed this information previously.

After his heartbreaking story, and powerful vocals, Choi brought tears to the eyes of those in the audience and to the judges. Watch the video below: