A Texas man who allegedly murdered his wife and 5-year-old son had made a cryptic call to the police before killing himself.

Roel Garza reportedly shot and killed his wife, 36-year-old Jennifer Phillips, and son Eli on Saturday. The 52-year-old Portland man then dialed 911, police said.

Officers received a call Saturday afternoon from a man who sought help from police. The caller did not reveal any details. He only said "just come now" before hanging up, NBC-affiliated KRIS-TV reported citing an audio clip of the emergency call.

"Received a 911 call from a distraught male who was advising that he needed law enforcement assistance," Portland Police Chief Mark Cory said.

When police arrived at the address, they found the front door of the house open. The family of three was dead inside the child's bedroom.

"We had four officers on the scene, and it was rough on them," Cory said, news outlet Law & Crime reported. "It's a difficult situation when you walk in on a welfare check and then you discover three deceased bodies, and especially one's a child."

Garza shot his wife and son twice before ending life, Cory said, adding that Philips was "struck multiple times in the head." Investigators determined that Garza fatally shot his family and made the 911 call shortly before killing himself.

Officers said it was a premeditated murder but did not reveal the motive behind the killings.

"The only thing I can tell you from our investigation is that he had made contact with some relatives yesterday evening," Cory said, reported KRIS-TV. "There were some measures taken by the suspect, Garza, earlier in the evening in preparatory of this double homicide."

However, Garza did not have any prior history of violence, police said.

If you have thoughts of suicide, confidential help is available for free at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Call 1-800-273-8255. The line is available 24 hours, every day.

Crime scene police line | Representational Image
Crime scene police line | Representational Image GETTY IMAGES / SCOTT OLSON