Mi Primer Bitcoin launched in El Salvador in 2022 under the Nayib Bukele administration. Mi Primer Bitcoin Twitter


  • The MPB program was launched about a year after El Salvador became the first country to adopt $BTC as legal tender
  • Dennehy expressed joy over the program's milestone, considering its conception during bearish times in the crypto space
  • El Salvador has agreed with the program to integrate Bitcoin education into the public school curriculum by 2024

El Salvador under President Nayib Bukele has been in the news in recent years due to the stunning crime drop in the country and controversies surrounding the current administration's mass incarceration of alleged Salvadoran criminals – some without charges.

While Bukele's widespread gang crackdown has become a divisive topic due to concerns about Salvadoran democracy from rights groups, the modern leader has also become wildly popular in the cryptocurrency space due to his maximalist stance on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin education for all

As part of his efforts to encourage wider $BTC adoption among the Salvadoran public, Bukele's administration supported the launch of "Mi Primer Bitcoin" (My First Bitcoin) in 2022, with the goal of providing "open-source Bitcoin education" for all. The program, launched by American activist John Dennehy, is backed by El Salvador's Ministry of Education.

The launch came about a year after El Salvador became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. The said move earned the ire of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Just this year, the IMF said it wants to address economic issues and risks related with $BTC as legal tender with El Salvador first before it moves forward with a potential "IMF supported program" for the central American nation.

Navigating a bear market

The MPB program marked three years of educating Salvadorans on Friday. Dennehy wrote on X Saturday that he is "overwhelmed at the success of the project" over the past three years, "much of which was spent building in a bear market."

Indeed, Bitcoin and the overall crypto market was going through rough times in the second half of 2022, with the collapse of crypto exchange giant FTX that dragged other exposed firms down. At the time, $BTC prices shed as much as $15,000 from May through December 2022.

According to Dennehy, the Bitcoin education program was able to reach "tens of thousands of students" and "inspired front-line Bitcoin educators in 25+ countries" to help move El Salvador's vision forward within a span of three years.

Wider adoption through education

Aside from spearheading $BTC education in El Salvador, one of the main accomplishments of the program was the translation of the Bitcoin Diploma program into nine languages. The diploma program has a new edition wherein work is underway to translate it into 26 languages.

Probably the key milestone in the MPB's journey is the agreement between the El Salvador government and the organization to integrate $BTC and crypto education into the public school curriculum by 2024.

The first step of the said Bitcoin curriculum incorporation is teacher education, which kicked off in September. The new curriculum was developed by MPB and is expected to be taught across more than 5,000 public schools.

3 years and beyond

Mi Primer Bitcoin has also been expanding beyond its office in El Salvador, bringing its curriculum to other nations such as Canada, Zambia and Guatemala. Just last week, the program launched in Bandung, Indonesia.

The organization is holding a third anniversary get-together at a popular local restaurant on Tuesday. It will also host the Bitcoin Educators Unconference in San Salvador in mid-November.