Most sensational claims (and lies) of Casey Anthony and her lawyers till date

Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, has pleaded not gulity. She has been found contradicting her own statements quite often. Casey's claims prior to the trial, the testimonials of her mother Cindy and father George regarding the death of Caylee and her defense argument during the trial have contradicted each other.
Casey's and defense's claims collated:
- Before the trial began Casey had said a baby sitter kidnapped Caylee, who was missing for a month before the police were alerted by Casey's mother.
According to the police, Casey said she dropped her daughter off with a baby sitter named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez on June 9, and never saw both again.
On June 16, 2008, Casey told her her mother that she had to go to a business conference in Tampa. Zanny the nanny was going along so her mother shouldn't worry. In addition, Casey's friend Juliette and her daughter Annabelle were going too, so the children could enjoy Busch Gardens during the workday, Cindy had reportedly said.
She didn't notify police because she had been investigating the disappearance on her own and was scared. (Defense argument).
She claimed that she worked at Universal Studios. (According to Cindy Anthony and Casey's boyfriend)
Caylee never disappeared. The child died in the family's swimming pool. (On first day of Defense trial)
How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before ever reporting her child missing, it's insane, it's bizarre...Well the answer is actually relatively simple. She never was missing. Caylee Anthony died on June 16, 2008, when she drowned in her family's swimming pool, the defense attorney said.
Casey Anthony's parents killed their 2-year-old granddaughter and they tried to cover it up. (Defense, on May 24, the opening day of the trial)
Caylee drowned in a pool at the grandparents' home, the Defense attorney said later.
25-year-old Casey Anthony was a loving mother who was abused by her own father as a child -- Again a Defense argument.
Casey Anthony's brother made advances toward her and was given a paternity test to see if he was Caylee's father. (According to Defense)
The 'secrets' regarding Caylee's father eventually led to the cover-up of Caylee's drowning. (According to Defense)
After swimming with Caylee on Father's Day, June 15, 2008, Cindy Anthony forgot to pull up a ladder that prevented the toddler from climbing into the pool on her own. Defense Attorney Baez suggested that Caylee slipped into the pool the next day when no one was looking. (According to Defense)
The family panicked and didn't call police. (According to Defense)
All the family cared about was finding Caylee, Casey claimed.
My only concern is that Caylee comes back to us, she says during one recorded visit. She's the most important thing in the entire world to me...I truly love that little girl and miss her so much, Casey reportedly said in 2008.
When George Anthony called Casey sweetie during a visit and asked if there was anything he could do for her, she told him: You've been a great dad and the best grandfather. She told them her daughter was fortunate to have had both of you.
Later, she told her parents she thought Caylee was OK. I just want her back. I know in my heart she's not far. I can feel it.
I hope we can, Mom,- Casey to Cindy, answering the latter's doubt regarding finding Caylee.
George Anthony planted duct tape matching the brand later found over Caylee's mouth in a way that would implicate Casey. George Anthony took certain steps to make sure he was as far away from this situation and that Casey would end up taking the blame for this. (According to Defense lawyer Jose Baez)
Police department and detectives blew up the case for media attention into mother-killing-child instead of investigating a 'mundane drowning'--(According to Defense lawyer Jose Baez)
Casey Anthony was raised to lie. Sex abuse does things to us, it changes you, Defense lawyer Jose Baez said.
Pulling Caylee from the pool, George Anthony screamed at Casey Anthony, Look what you've done. Your mother will never forgive you. You'll go to jail for the rest of your life. (According to Defense lawyer Jose Baez)
George Anthony attempted to make his daughter look guilty to stop the public from finding out about his alleged sexual molestation of his daughter. (According to Defense lawyer Jose Baez)
George Anthony reported gas cans missing from his shed to point the investigation towards his daughter. The gas cans had traces of the same duct tape found on Caylee's body. (According to Defense lawyer Jose Baez)
George Anthony suggested that Caylee's death was an accident in a comment to an alleged mistress he met while posting flyers and raising money to find Caylee. George began to break down and cry and she asked him what happened to Caylee and he said it was an accident that snowballed out of control. This is before Caylee was ever found, Defense lawyer Jose Baez said.
Roy Kronk, the meter reader who discovered Caylee's remains, tampered with the toddler's remains. (According to Defense)
Mr. Kronk is a morally bankrupt individual who actually took Caylee's body and hid her. Kronk later found the body because he hoped to collect a reward, Defense lawyer Jose Baez said.
Must Read: Casey Anthony Trial Day 25: Expert witnesses say no proof Casey killed Caylee
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