An exoplanet similar to Earth is only 40 light years away from us, and it could be harboring alien life.
A new planet scientists found orbiting a small star is being called a “super-Jupiter” because it’s almost three times bigger than the largest planet in our solar system.
If we are going to find aliens in our solar system, we might have a better shot exploring moons rather than other planets.
Atlas may look like some sort of alien spacecraft, but it is a special moon of Saturn that orbits the planet near its outermost ring.
Everyone is looking at Mars, but these two countries have their eyes on its biggest moon, Phobos, and hope to solve a cosmic mystery.
There is evidence that life exists even deeper than the greatest depths of the ocean, which gives hope to all the people searching for aliens on other planets.
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s tweets make us laugh and make us cry … from laughter.
If there are aliens or fossils of previous extraterrestrials on Mars, scientists are going to have to know where to look. That’s where this Earth desert and its bacteria tenants come in.
We may soon know for sure whether extraterrestrial life ever existed in other places within our solar system, but don’t expect to shake hands with an alien any time soon.
A fleet of robots that could one day travel to other planets and moons looking for aliens are packed with tools like buzzsaws and catapults.
Scientists think they’ve figured out exactly how much air the Sun has sucked off of Mars, turning it from a warm and wet planet into a red wasteland.
Tom DeLonge, who used to sing and play guitar for the pop-punk band, spoke to Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta about UFOs.
The universe is enormous and diverse, so there is potential for life on other planets near and far. Scientists look for these conditions when they search for aliens.
Cornell University researchers say life forms live on and have traveled across three exoplanets.
In order to explain the origin of these mysterious bursts of radio emissions, two researchers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have put forward a controversial idea — aliens are causing them.
Scientists are learning more about how the dwarf planet Ceres formed, with an eye on whether there could be extraterrestrial life there.
A new study based on climate models of hypothetical exoplanets has shown that the presence of hydrogen-spewing volcanoes could expand a star's habitable zone.
We have all been faced with the exasperating situation when our electronic devices start to act up for no perceptible reason.
Churchill wrote the essay on the eve of World War II.
"Any civilization detecting our presence is likely to be technologically very advanced, and may not be disposed to treat us nicely."
Math is the universal language no matter the culture, and scientist believe the same can be said for aliens.
Astrophysicist Ethan Siegel believes there is a far more effective way to search for signals from other plants.