NASA's Curiosity rover captured color images and mapped Hematite on Mars which showed a much higher level of water-rock interaction in the past.
John Edmonds of the Stardust Ranch in Arizona's Rainbow Valley said he's "fed up" with the years of attempted alien abduction attempts upon he and his wife.
Latest NASA studies have shown that refining our search parameters to study the movement of water vapor could narrow and make the search for extraterrestrial life more fruitful.
A Wyoming man claiming to be from the year 2048 warned of an extraterrestrial invasion this week.
NASA says aliens aren't responsible for this distant star's dimming, dust is.
The IceCube observatory in Antarctica, the world’s most sensitive neutrino detector currently, will start investigating fast radio bursts.
Astronomers have looked at the night sky backward to figure out how many exoplanets — and the aliens potentially living on them — would know Earth exists.
A radio burst has been detected for the third time by scientists. This is the only case of a repeating signal recorded from the same source in space. Could this be our big-eyed neighbors trying to talk to us?
NASA is holding a competition to find the best message to send to the Voyager spacecraft. The message would be an addition to the Golden Record intended for any extraterrestrials who encounter the craft.
The job calls for expertise in issues related to planetary protection and an affinity for travelling.
The woman told a detective that she did so to send the little girl to heaven to protect her from aliens.
An exoplanet that was discovered close to Earth last year likely has no atmosphere and is incapable of supporting life.
"The victim was undergoing a lot of stress through the problems with the cult."
Lowe claimed he had a close encounter with a Sasquatch-like beast while deep in the Ozark Mountains.
Actor Kurt Russell claimed responsibility for the unidentified flying objects that made headlines in 1997.
A massive planet with rings larger than Saturn’s keeps eclipsing its young star and might have moons that are the right temperature to support alien life.
Robert Bigelow, the founder of Bigelow Aerospace, won a $17.8 million contract from NASA in 2013.
Bigelow Aerospace founder and president Robert Bigelow recently spoke with '60 Minutes' and discussed his long-held belief that alien UFOs have and are visiting Earth. But he's not just another UFO enthusiast, Bigelow has privatized piles of relevant evidence. Whatever he knows, he should tell us.
We can’t say yes or no with certainty, but new findings made by NASA’s Curiosity rover extend the time frame in which life as we know it could have existed on the red planet.
Jupiter has such powerful auroras because they come from volcanoes erupting on its moon Io, rather than the sun’s storms that create northern lights on planet Earth.
NASA is testing its new telescope in a frigid vacuum to prep it for launch and its search for aliens on planets in other solar systems.
"They are a lot smarter than we are, and if you are stupid enough to challenge them you will be taken out in three seconds."