SOL 2218
This image was taken by NAV_RIGHT_A onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 2218 (2018-11-02T05:40:35.000Z) NASA/JPL-Caltech


  • A UFO expert found alien buildings and a strange symbol in photos of Mars
  • The photos were taken by NASA's Curiosity rover
  • The UFO expert claims the photos show evidence of alien life on Mars

A UFO expert has claimed to have spotted a couple of strange objects on NASA photos of Mars. According to the alleged expert, he saw a strange alien symbol as well as a massive structure on the surface of the Red Planet.

The strange sightings were suggested by Scott Waring of the UFO-centered blog ET Data Base. Waring noted that he came across the images as he was viewing some of the photos taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars.

According to Waring, some of the photos taken by the rover on Sol 2218, which is equivalent to Nov. 1, 2018, feature strange-looking terrain that appears to have been unnaturally disturbed. Upon examining some of the photos, he came across a couple of objects that he referred to as alien structures.

Based on the photos, the alleged alien structures had geometric shapes and appeared very different compared to the large rocks surrounding them. Given the appearance of the surrounding area, Waring speculated that the structures could be mining bases that aliens established on Mars.

“While searching through a Mars photo I found a rugged area of terrain that seemed to have been dug up from mining,” Waring wrote in a blog post. “Then I found a huge structure along a hillside, with other structures nearby.”

Aside from the structures, Waring also came across what appears to be an inscription on a side of a hill. The marking looks like a capital letter B, but Waring theorized that it could be a symbol or word in the Martian language that has a totally different meaning.

For Waring, the existence of these alleged structures and markings on the Red Planet strongly indicate that a race of highly intelligent extraterrestrial life forms once lived on Mars. It is possible that they may have completely vanished or died out hundreds of thousands of years ago.

“There was also the capital letter B on a hillside,” Waring explained. “The B might be an entire word in their language or an important symbol. This is absolute proof that intelligent aliens lived, thrived and died on Mars.”