National Text Your Ex Day 2021: 8 Perfect Messages To Send To Your Former Partner
Break-up is a difficult decision that lovers choose to take due to sudden conflict of interests, infidelity, long-distance woes or lack of spark in the relationship. After parting ways, what strikes them the most is the unbearable feeling of loss. In such a situation, one thinks of the obvious -- texting the ex.
Many relationship experts have argued reaching out to the ex after a break-up can pose a threat to the mental health, but people do it anyway. Technically, when it comes to texting your ex, there is no right or wrong, because it's a matter of heart, after all.
National Text Your Ex Day, which is observed on Oct. 30, encourages you to send a text to the former flame if you genuinely miss hearing from them. Here are some texts you can send to know their state of mind in case you are feeling the urge to make contact:
- "If you’ve been down, I’d love to get a friendly drink soon. It would be nice to hear what you’re up to."
- "Hey, I’ve been looking at your garden on IG, and I’m impressed. I’d love to chat on the phone sometime if you’re down."
- "I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened between us, and I’m sorry for how I acted. You didn’t deserve that."
- "Hey, just wanted to say sorry. I totally blew it when we were together and it wasn’t fair to you."
- "I’ve been dying to ask, how is your dog? Truly what I miss most."
- "Hey, I know it’s been a minute but I was thinking about you the other day and just wanted to check-in. No pressure, but I would love to talk on the phone sometime."
- "Hey, this is a little awkward, but are you still on my family’s HBO Max account? My dad’s been complaining about his shows getting messed up."
- "Hey! I was just listening to the radio and I heard that The Stanfields are coming to town. I know how much you love those guys so I thought I’d let you know!"