Small-town birth rates for teens are 63 percent higher than teen birth rates in large cities.
National Leaders of the Black Lives Matter Global Network said that the results of the 2016 election left them collectively feeling, “more than disappointed or angry—we feel betrayed.”
The former government official traffics in anti-Islam conspiracy theories and might be advising President-elect Donald Trump.
A new study found little by way of good news for Earth as climate change takes hold.
Sales of e-books plummeted by 20 percent during the first six months of 2016.
Following a home renovation from ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," five children were removed from their foster home.
There are calls for the FBI to investigate a threatening note left on the front door of an Iowan Muslim family’s home.
School board officials and Democratic mayors from major U.S. cities have vowed in recent days to fight any federal plans to deport undocumented immigrants
There are costs and benefits to U.S. economy associated with immigration.
Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association applauded gun owners for voting in the election and believes, "Our time is now" following Donald Trump's victory.
The president-elect's inauguration team has been staffed with billionaire casino moguls.
The self-described "greatest jobs president God ever created" promised to create 25 million jobs in 10 years, but economists aren't so sure Donald Trump can pull it off.
There are over 3.3 million Muslims already living throughout the nation – and that figure could more than double by 2050.
As of Wednesday morning, the United States Department of Agriculture's Forest Service listed 32 uncontained large fires nationwide.
The Department of Transportation, the National Safety Council and other advocacy groups are hoping to work together to end all roadway fatalities within 30 years.
Trump's proposed crackdown on crime led to a rise in the value of private prison companies' shares. His policies point to an expansion of the prison population.
King, a Baptist minister and social activist, was a prominent figure in the civil rights movement from the 1950s until his assassination in 1968.
The highest rise in searches was recorded with “Tiffany Trump,” the construction mogul’s youngest daughter.
The president-elect slammed campaign opponents for their ties to the financial industry giant. Now he's stacked his transition team with Goldman insiders.
The Texas senator is reportedly in the running for the job that was initially discussed as a potential position for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized President Barack Obama’s performance, calling the last jobs report before the election “disastrous.”
Jones — an outspoken conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump supporter — said Infowars’ “fake news analysis center” will combat “lies and fake stories being pushed by the mainstream media.”
Barrack, the former deputy undersecretary of the Department of Interior under the Reagan administration, is a staunch Trump ally advising the real estate mogul on economics and national security.
Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., suggested time would be better spent investigating president-elect Donald Trump's finances.
Kim Jong Un might be trying to emulate his grandfather, who developed a cult-like following when he led the Hermit Kingdon.
The Massachusetts Democrat pledged to fight Donald Trump “every step of the way, for the next four years” if she sees him taking action that will harm those not among the 1 percenters.
Initiative 300 was designed so tourists and people who live in areas that restrict marijuana use can still indulge on the plant.
Some of Trump’s properties, like Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, saw increases between 25 and 75 percent in value since he became the president-elect.
The education page on Trump’s website says he wants to make college “very affordable” and that the current system is “not fair.”
Check out the American Red Cross, Hugs for Soldiers and Military Missions to donate money and holiday gifts to service members.