The Pre-Born Protection and Dignity Act would prohibit partial birth abortions and the donation of fetal tissue.
A new study has found that exercising is an effective method for treating depression.
Names and rumors are flying about who the new president will choose to direct his policy decisions in areas like education, labor and security.
Clinton is ahead of Trump by more than 1.4 million popular votes, despite losing the Electoral College vote.
President-elect Donald Trump has run on a platform of economic prosperity, but that may not mix well with the Federal Reserve's long-held objectives.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claims the Sandy Hook mass shooting was fake.
Clusters of earthquakes in western Canada were caused by fracking, a new study found.
Black New Yorkers born in the U.S. are more likely to smoke, drink and have chronic health conditions, a recent study found.
The proposal comes as Republican lawmakers controlling statehouses across the nation, Congress and the White House have vowed to crack down on abortion rights.
The third term congressman from Kansas is on the House Intelligence Committee.
The president-elect plans to revitalize the coal industry and deregulate the energy sector, but environmentalists say that may be difficult.
Social media has been abuzz with fans rallying behind the singer using the hashtag #Kanye2020.
Right before Halloween, reports of people dressed up as clowns luring children into the woods and other sightings led to school closures and official warnings from law enforcement.
The findings by a Washington, D.C.-based conservative think tank placed the Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and the nuclear capability under the “marginal” category.
The 22-year-old was eating at a Waffle House in downtown Athens, Georgia, Saturday when a man reportedly said he would grab her by the p---y.
A report, released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, showed that more than one of every seven Americans had misused alcohol or some drug in the past year.
Socialite Paris Hilton is the latest to reveal that she was a part of the Trump camp during the 2016 election.
Mitt Romney criticized Donald Trump as a "fraud" and a "phony" during the primary campaign.
A pardon would not grant so-called DREAMers legal status but it would keep them from being deported of President-elect Donald Trump rescinds President Obama's executive orders.
Repealing the Affordable Care Act has been a Republican goal since it was enacted but lawmakers are acknowledging it's easier said than done.
The former host of "The Daily Show" says the Republicans are going to have a "come to Jesus" moment now that they control Congress and the White House.
The son of Michigan Rep. John Conyers was first reported missing Tuesday, and his parents were "very worried."
State lawmaker says he was just testing the waters, and political opposition to outlawing the garment is too strong.
Earlier this week, the former Arkansas governor posted a false, anti-Semitic story on his Facebook page.
The gene editing tool helped improved vision in blind rats.
“Balloon fishing,” as Cubans call it, is a low-cost yet highly effective way fishermen have been able to capture fish with limited resource.
Saturday will see an estimated $320 million Powerball win. Here's what you need to know to play the game.
Black Friday has the cheapest discounts when compared to the rest of the year's sales, a new study found.
In her testimony before Congress on Thursday, Yellen suggested the federal funds rate target may finally be ripe for an increase.
Researchers found that instances of heart disease dropped by 20 percent from 1983 to 2011.