There were 8 million undocumented immigrants working or looking for work in 2014.
Republican Frank Artiles and Democrat Dwight Bullard are engaged in a contentious campaign for state senate.
An Islamic center in Florida was vandalized this week with anti-Muslim language.
The video is aimed at portraying what the United States might look like if Hillary Clinton is elected president.
The warden admitted to forcing inmates to watch sexually violent films as a treatment method he calls "shame therapy."
Some of the most recent reported violence tied to the election unfolded Tuesday when a historically-black church was set ablaze and a polling volunteer was injured in separate instances.
New restrictions have been proposed to reign in the global tobacco industry's influence.
French officials said that the places of worship were promoting extremist ideologies.
A new study dubbed Phoenix's Sky Harbor the top airport in the country, with New York's LaGuardia and JFK rated the worst.
The adoptive father of a North Carolina girl confessed to physically abusing his daughter up until her death.
Democrat Hillary Clinton's $15 million fortune pales when compared to Republican Donald Trump's or the 10 wealthiest members of Congress.
The standard guide to mental health classifications doesn't list sexual addiction as an official disorder.
Hillary Clinton is leading the presidential race ... but not by much.
There are numerous online resources to help voters prepare for Tuesday's election.
Restaurants across the United States are celebrating the end of the 108-year Cubs championship drought with promotions galore.
Banned as a chemical weapon, carfentanil is increasingly being imported from China to lace with heroin.
The full impact on gas prices from the blast, which killed one worker and injured five others, remains uncertain.
Rebuilding American Now accepted a $100,000 donation from a subsidiary of GEO Group, allegedly violating federal law.
From the awkward to the ugly, these were the most unforgettable political ads from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
National Sandwich Day is not only a time to indulge in one of the United States' most popular foods but also a great opportunity to get free food.
The Clinton campaign chairman is in the spotlight this election season after his personal Gmail account was reportedly compromised by Russian hackers who passed the emails on to WikiLeaks.
Students were pepper-sprayed and tasered as they attempted to enter the auditorium where David Duke took the stage for the final debate in Louisiana’s Senate race.
While there were only 12 bishop-appointed exorcist priests in the U.S. at one point of time, the country now has over 50.
Suffrage was a hard-fought right for minorities who faced discrimination at polling booths even though such practices were outlawed.
A Panama Canal pilot was in control of the USS Montgomery when it brushed a cement structure and suffered an 18-inch crack to its hull.
Trump's attorney called the lawsuit flimsy and politically motivated, designed to interfere with the election next Tuesday.
Democrats have been urging their supporters to take advantage of early voting in states that allow it, hoping to overwhelm Donald Trump before Election Day next Tuesday.
It is important to make the most out of the extra hour we receive as a result of daylights savings time.
Though voting in the presidential election is now considered a right exclusive to U.S. citizens, it wasn't always that way.
Hiding behind the façade of an apology letter, Johnson took the chance to backhandedly write, "white birth rate is so astonishingly low that Western Civilization will soon case to exist."