Hillary Clinton's supporters say they have a hard time respecting Trump supporters who in turn say they return the sentiment.
When the flowing lava meets ocean water, it creates a plume containing fine volcanic particles and hydrochloric acid that can irritate the skin, eyes and lungs.
If Pennsylvania lawmakers get their way, officers would not be identified publicly during an investigation, or at all, if criminal charges were not filed.
The early numbers have a bit of good news for both major party candidates.
Researchers say they've found ways to reverse aging in mice with some common vegetables.
A new study has found that cranberries are not an effective method for treating and preventing urinary tract infections.
Twitter announced it will discontinue Vine on Thursday.
The first day of open enrollment for health insurance coverage is Nov. 1, 2016.
Experts in Russia this week are saying that they're not sure how to fix what looks more and more like a Cold War.
Everything from "Bing, Bing" to "MacBook Pro, baby" to Jeb Bush (attempting to) put on a hoodie.
The beauty queen says Donald Trump grabbed her in 2006 before an appearance on "The Late Show."
In a five to two court ruling, supreme court judges decided to toss out Issue 7.
The Clinton campaign purportedly prepared for the eventual questions about Bill Clinton's accusers, emails from WikiLeaks show.
For a limited time, Starbucks is bringing back the Halloween-themed drink the Frappula.
Los Angeles police have arrested James Otis, suspected of vandalizing Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Thomas admitted to a friendly audience at the conservative Heritage Foundation that "we are destroying our institutions."
Putin calls Ukrainian activists "idiots" and promises to build a bridge between Crimea and Russia.
Voters in some states have reported incidents of voting for one candidate only to have another pop up in its place.
“Go back to where you claim home,” Seiwert said. “So, if they don’t like it here, I believe that their freedom completely allows them to go wherever they believe is more fair and non-racist."
John Guandolo, who resigned from the FBI in 2008 ahead of an investigation for misconduct, has toured the United States giving talks to law enforcement agencies and civilians about what he calls the threat of Islam.
More than half of women joggers say they experience some form of harassment on the treadmill or on the street.
A recent poll shows that most voters would not buy Ivanka Trump's clothing.
After the Oct. 1 scores were released, students jumped on social media to react to the results.
Ten thousand volunteers plan to investigate mysterious ice formations on the red planet.
Hillary Clinton has a chance to turn Texas blue for the first time in 40 years.
Officers Lesley Zerebny, 27, and Jose Gilbert Vega, 63, were shot and killed during an ambush Oct. 8.
The Democrat presidential hopeful is currently leading in Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, and New Hampshire.
National American Beer Day is a time where beer drinkers can grab their favorite brew of domestic beer and cherish the fact that it is legal to enjoy it.
Alec Cook, 20, has been accused of sexually assaulting four women and further investigations are being carried out into more allegations.
Yes, says Kim Dotcom. The internet entrepreneur, wanted by the U.S. on copyright infringement and money laundering charges, even explained the seemingly simple process.