Subway sleepers put themselves at risk for having their wallets stolen or becoming victims of sexual assault, the New York Police Department said.
The event marks a rare time when Democrats and Republicans come together to bond over their shared belief in the Christian faith.
Polls showing the divide between white and black Americans on the O.J. Simpson verdict mirror polls showing mistrust of police after the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
Harsh rhetoric from Donald Trump may hurt the chances of Cuban-American candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio ahead of the primary.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one."
Last year, around her birthday, the Library of Congress debuted a large collection of Rosa Parks’ manuscripts and photographs.
Thursday's debate will be the last time New Hampshire voters see the candidates duke it out before the state's primary.
Experts said use of the controversial mitochondrial replacement therapy was ethically permissible “as long as significant conditions and principles” were met.
The virus, spreading quickly across the Americas, is usually transmitted through mosquitoes, and is linked to brain deformities in babies.
DeRay Mckesson, a leading figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, filed papers just minutes before a Wednesday night deadline.
St. Louis Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed has asked the NFL to help pay off the city's stadium, but has gotten no response.
The agency said it was making repairs Wednesday, but some of its filing systems would remain unavailable until Thursday.
In an interview with IBT, the senator defended Bernie Sanders from criticism by Goldman Sachs — which has delivered big money to Hillary Clinton.
The Democratic candidates argued about the definition of "progressive" but also spoke about their personal religious and spiritual beliefs.
The former television star appeared in court to try and have his charges dropped, but a judge ruled against him.
The former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania said he was endorsing Marco Rubio for the GOP nomination.
The United States has been tightening the vetting of immigrants and other visitors following attacks in California and Paris.
Because the account had been used to secure his bail, Shkreli may need to post new assets to secure his $5 million bond, a judge said.
Here are some of the best places to take your significant other this Valentine's Day.
After a close race in Iowa, Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are set to take the stage Wednesday night.
That's more than the nation spent on Doritos, Cheetos and Funyuns combined, with pot sales expected to grow 25 percent in 2016.
Cesar Vargas has been advocating for immigration reform for years, and now he will be able to use his law license to take his work even further.
The Donald said he would still skip last week's GOP debate to raise money for veterans if he had it to do over again, even if it meant losing in Iowa once more. So what would happen if he skipped all the debates?
Watch President Obama’s remarks in Baltimore, where he makes his first visit to a U.S. mosque since being elected to the nation’s top office.
The Republican presidential candidate ridicules the media description of his second-place showing in Iowa during a campaign rally in New Hampshire, ahead of the state's primary.
An elementary school principal in Saint Paul, Minnesota, is putting a stop to Valentine's Day celebrations to be more culturally inclusive.
Carter told BBC he saw the campaign funding system as the most significant change in politics since his presidency.
The tiny European country is planning on teaming up with Google co-founder Larry Page to mine minerals in space.
After Texas Sen. Ted Cruz won Monday's Iowa caucuses with 27.6 percent, former front-runner Trump unleashed a flurry of accusations Wednesday.
The Kentucky senator won only 4.5 percent of voter support in Iowa and had been polling in the middle of the field for months.