November's presidential vote will be the first since the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act. Some 21 million people could face problems at the polls.
The killing of a mentally ill man occurred in September when police responded to a domestic call.
Jeb Bush’s campaign spent lavishly on transportation, boutique hotels and private soirees, but it has not gotten much bang for its buck.
A report released by two civil rights groups alleges that federal immigration authorities broke the law.
Here are the best drinking game rules to get you through the seventh GOP debate.
If passed, the bill would give police the power to determine if bands, rappers and DJs can perform at venues that hold 50 or more people.
The study was careful to note that it wasn't necessarily the higher CEO pay that made the hospitals better.
Those who say they are not better off are mostly over age 45 and Republican, according to the new poll.
Marcus Cruz, who worked for an after-school program, was reportedly let go this month after he appeared in a Facebook video showing two boys fighting.
McAuliffe was one of seven people who died when a technical failure caused space shuttle Challenger to explode.
How to watch the final debate before the Iowa caucus.
Donald Trump’s main rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, comes in second place in each of the first three voting states.
With Donald Trump sitting out, other Republican presidential hopefuls may get more speaking time at Thursday's event in Iowa.
Donald Trump remains the front-runner, but undecided voters could prove the polls wrong in the coming days.
Check your local libraries and museums to find puzzle-themed events near you.
Fox News anchors Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier have been tapped as co-moderators at Thursday's Republican presidential debate.
The space shuttle disintegrated about 70 seconds after liftoff on Jan. 28, 1986, due to a problem with a rocket booster.
According to reports, FBI officials were trying to negotiate an end to the standoff with a few more people still at the wildlife refuge.
The Republican front-runner’s camp agreed Wednesday to go one-on-one against the Texas senator, "if he's the last man standing."
Initial accounts on social media say Johnathan Bratcher, 32, was unarmed and running from officers when slain in Memphis, Tennessee.
An organization of those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan says it won't take part in an event planned after the Republican pulled out of a GOP debate.
The Anonymous hacking collective claimed responsibility after declaring cyber war over the city of Flint's water-contamination trouble.
Proposed legislation would require state police to keep tabs on people in the state who arrive from Syria.
The decision was prompted by an alcohol-related incident Tuesday night that left a student in critical condition.
Social media users took to Twitter to express their outrage over what some called "fried air."
Word of the deal follows months of talks on reforms for the Missouri city's police force following the death of Michael Brown.
The U.S. dropped a claim against an Iran-born aerospace engineer after a Maryland jury found he had taken an illegal payment from Iran.
The so-called “duct tape challenge” involves having your body wrapped in duct tape and seeing how long it takes to escape.
The for-profit chain of colleges is accused of spreading a misleading statistic about its students having jobs in their fields soon after graduating.
After his arrest Tuesday, Oregon protest leader Ammon Bundy called on remaining occupiers at a wildlife refuge to go home.