Enrique Marquez, who legally purchased the two rifles used in the California shooting, had also planned an attack in the U.S. with gunman Syed Rizwan Farook in 2012.
First responders will now be able to administer a sponge-injecting device that works to stop bleeding from life-threatening bullet wounds.
The British people "should be thanking me instead of pandering to political correctness," the Republican presidential candidate said.
An Atlanta man used hacked data to reach out to victims and engage in cyberstalking to demand sexually explicit material.
An Alabama chapter of the Ku Klux Klan is said to have distributed recruitment fliers about fighting "the spread of Islam."
Earnings stripping covers a range of deals that shrink the taxable U.S. profits of multinational corporations, while allowing them to take some U.S. tax deductions.
Lawmakers are negotiating a $1.15 trillion funding bill to pay for government operations through September, with the deadline for action Friday at midnight.
Robert Lewis Dear is facing a total of 179 charges and the possibility of the death penalty in the shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic.
The term Islamophobia has become common only recently, although anti-Muslim and anti-Islam views are hardly new.
The Ohio governor, a Republican presidential hopeful, said Wednesday that sooner or later, ground troops will be needed to defeat the Islamic State group.
Second Amendment advocates in the Lone Star State plan to stage an event Saturday to protest gun-free zones.
During Wednesday's Supreme Court hearing on affirmative action, Justice Antonin Scalia said he believes admissions polices that consider race harm minority students by sending them to schools that are too challenging.
In his book "The Art of the Deal," Donald Trump laid out a how-to strategy for dominating headlines. It reads like a blow-by-blow recap of his presidential campaign.
Evoking images of lynching that “justice turned a blind eye to,” President Barack Obama said Wednesday that slavery was "wrong in every sense.”
Americans are buying guns and frequenting shooting ranges more than ever before — and that's a major challenge for gun control advocates.
The bipartisan bill passed by the Senate today will transfer decision-making power about public education back to state and local governments.
Rahm Emanuel issued his apology after initially taking a public stand against activists who demanded greater police scrutiny.
After Donald Trump's remarks calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S., the United Kingdom is not happy with the Republican front-runner.
A new poll found that a majority of Republicans fear Syrian refugees will commit religious or political violence in the U.S.
Donald Trump may have insulted Muslims this week, but a total of 83 self-identified Muslims on Facebook still think he's their guy.
Ben Smith, editor-in-chief of the digital news outlet BuzzFeed, said writers on his staff may label Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump a racist as a factual statement.
The co-founder of PayPal and Slide resigned Dec. 4 due to his "other professional commitments and demands on his time."
Congress has never agreed on a formal slavery apology due to hang-ups about reparations.
Khrystyna Mylkus paid more than $3,000 to experience U.S. culture. She ended up cleaning hotel rooms full time.
The founder of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, Kevin Sabet is determined to stop the cannabis crusade. But are his efforts too little, too late?
In the wake of multiple high-profile attacks in the U.S. involving guns, the $1.3 billion shooting range industry is thriving.
A U.S. official reportedly told the Associated Press that Donald Trump's campaign contacted the embassy in Amman about a visit to Jordan.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said authorities were digging into the lives of Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, "as far back as we can."
We Get Voters, a first-of-its-kind TV ad campaign, will tout the benefits of TV advertising in political campaigns.
Researchers estimate that 5.8 million American children are being treated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.