Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert agreed to plead guilty on charges associated with reported sexual assault attack on high school student.
The lower rate has come from discretion by agents in the field, not policy changes, a Texas Border Patrol union representative said.
Over several interviews, the Democratic presidential candidate recalled how learning about the Holocaust helped him understand the role of politics in life.
More than two-dozen players have yet to receive cash prizes because the state's lottery commission has frozen payments until lawmakers in Springfield pass a budget.
The online retailer's hotel booking site has shut down after just six months of operations.
Comments about refugees from former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski of Poland drew fire from some of his political adversaries, who compared him to Adolf Hitler.
Some gun control advocates say the law Bernie Sanders supported has kept families of shooting victims from winning lawsuits.
Sanders really digs talking about Scandinavian countries. Here's why.
More than 15 million people tuned in to CNN for the candidates' showdown Tuesday night.
The focus on climate change during Tuesday night's Democratic debate marked a clear departure from the last two presidential election seasons.
The Democratic presidential rivals put the financial industry in the crosshairs. But their agendas reveal clear philosophical differences.
Bernie Sanders capitalized on his debate success Tuesday in a big way, something that not all 2016 politicians have been able to do.
A new study finds that opioid abuse rose from 2003 to 2013 while prescriptions dropped.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won Tuesday's Democratic Party debate, most polls showed, with Hillary Clinton garnering support as well. Lower-polling pols didn't fare well.
Even when O'Malley slighted Clinton, he took a cordial approach.
Toward the end of the Democratic debate Tuesday night, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton both called for fewer prison sentences for people who smoke marijuana.
"The economy does better when you have a Democrat in the White House," the former secretary of state said.
Hillary Clinton gained an unlikely ally in Bernie Sanders on Tuesday night in her bid to steer the national conversation away from her private-server controversy.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders came out swinging when asked about income inequality during Tuesday's Democratic debate in Las Vegas.
During Tuesday's Democratic presidential debate, candidates offered ideas for addressing racism, including criminal justice policies that target black men.
During Tuesday's debate, Hillary Clinton said her recent rejection of the Trans-Pacific Partnership wasn't a flip-flop.
The network offered the mobile platform for free, to introduce the service, but the app faced complications as Democrats tangled Tuesday evening.
Here are some of the best reactions from Twitter as the Democratic candidates debated in Las Vegas.
The Republican presidential candidate was sharing his thoughts on Tuesday's event in Las Vegas, despite saying it would be "very boring."
On issues from guns to energy to immigration, the Democratic presidential candidate's views can at times be contradictory.
The Democrat, a former U.S. senator from Virginia, is polling at only 2 percent. But he has a long background of public service.
Feeling the Bern? Not quite sure? Here are seven quotes to help you decide.
In recent months, Americans have increasingly searched for answers about Hillary Clinton on the Web, including for her height and age.
Lincoln Chafee has said he will address corporate tax evasion, end U.S. drone strikes and tackle climate change. He supports raising the minimum wage and a guest-worker program with a path toward citizenship for immigrants illegally in the country.
“They support amnesty. They support releasing criminal illegal aliens.”