Following disparaging remarks towards Muslims, Ben Carson is seeing an increase in cash flow.
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden surged in a new Bloomberg Politics poll of Democratic voters and Democratic leaners.
Carly Fiorina filmed extensive footage for a super PAC’s documentary, despite rules against coordination.
During his visit in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, Pope Frances met with President Barack Obama.
The upcoming U.S. congressional probe of Volkswagen could spotlight the competing agendas of two auto manufacturing states: Michigan and Tennessee.
Outside computer specialists said the FBI knows how to salvage deleted e-mails and recovered Clinton emails that had been deleted, Bloomberg reported.
An "unexplored storage chamber" inside King Tut's tomb in Egypt could contain the remains of the queen, a University of Arizona professor claims.
Last week, the Democratic presidential candidate expressed impatience with the White House for delaying its final judgment on the project.
After the Wisconsin governor dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination Monday, other candidates sought to scoop up his financial backers.
“An event at a home with items like these is appalling at any time of the year," said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.
Muslim voters were once a solid Republican voting bloc, but the party and the constituency are now suspicious of each other.
Republicans couldn't drum up the 60 votes they needed in the Senate to advance a 20-week abortion ban bill.
Whistleblowers at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities face retaliation, and the officials involved escape punishment, according to Senate testimony.
Hillary Clinton's endorsement of the proposal came as she sought support from the labor movement for her presidential campaign.
McConnell would bring two budget bills up for consideration in the Senate as part of his strategy to avoid a government shutdown.
The Vermont senator will join federal minimum wage workers as they demand $15 an hour.
Some say the new names are part of "ongoing attempts to judaize Al-Quds and falsify history" that only add tension to relations between the two groups.
Republican candidate Ben Carson backtracked from his previous remarks, saying he meant that only extremist Muslims should be barred from a White House run.
By suspending his campaign Monday, the Wisconsin governor may have helped his chances of getting picked as the eventual GOP nominee's running mate.
The GOP's biggest would-be kingmakers couldn't help Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, whose presidential candidacy fell victim to anti-establishment fervor.
"I am going to suspend my campaign immediately," the Wisconsin governor said Monday evening, after support for his White House bid failed to rise above single digits.
Pharma stocks plunged after Clinton said she’d tackle the "outrageous" cost of specialty drugs.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker announced he was suspending his 2016 campaign Monday evening.
The GOP front-runners hashtag promoting his visit to Twitter's offices led to a flurry of hostile questions.
The Republican presidential candidate had a moderate immigration stance when she ran for a Senate seat in California, but that could be a liability now.
Clinton has been struggling in polls amid questions about her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
Jeb Bush responded to an ad by Americans United for Change, which targeted his brother George W. Bush's leadership after the 9/11 attacks.
She called herself a "terrific" leader of HP and maintained that the Planned Parenthood video she referenced does exist.
uThe First Amendment stipulates, "No religious test shall ever be a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."
The GOP presidential hopeful wants ISIS and the Assad regime to fight each other.