The latest poll shows that Donald Trump and Ben Carson lead the polls in the Sunshine State.
Facing tough polls that put him at the bottom of a large pack of Republicans, Bush is looking for a comeback.
Twitter will now accept donations from users to candidates' parties directly on the website in an update made Tuesday.
Vice President Joe Biden played a key role in the financial industry’s four-decade campaign to eliminate bankruptcy protections for student debtors.
A company called Sensible Florida and an advocacy group called Regulate Florida have begun collecting signatures in support of marijuana legalization.
"High and rising debt harms the economy, and it will impose a large burden on future taxpayers," a report titled "Washington's Largest Monument: Government Debt" contends.
The life-threatening disease occurs when a person is bitten by an infected flea or wild rodent with the bacterium Yesinia pestis.
“We have to stop illegal immigration,” the Republican front-runner told more than 20,000 Texans Monday night.
A new Monmouth University poll shows that Jeb Bush is tied with Carly Fiorina for fifth place.
The Wisconsin governor returns to the fight against collective bargaining rights that tore his state apart.
The vice president met with a top Obama bundler while visiting New York last week.
In the Hebrew calendar, the holiday falls on the 10th of the month of Tishrei.
Amy Winehouse found international success with her album "Back to Black" when the world was introduced to her soulful voice.
Two decades after medical marijuana was legalized in the Golden State, its lawmakers finally voted to regulate it, but some dispensaries are wary.
The tech firm that managed Hillary Clinton’s personal email server told the Washington Post there’s no evidence the server has been wiped.
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump had harsh words for his old golf buddy Rand Paul after Paul chastised the media over its obsession with Trump.
New York Military Academy alumni say it's laughable Donald Trump would claim his experience there involved more rigorous military training than military service does.
The decision comes a day after CNN said the former Texas governor's low poll numbers had knocked him out of Wednesday's prime-time Republican debate.
The dates of the celebration vary from year to year because the Jewish calendar goes by lunar cycles instead of the sun.
CNN has announced the lineup for the next GOP presidential debates, scheduled for Sept. 16.
A provision to offer temporary protection status to overcome visa delays brings worries over security.
A majority of Michigan voters back legalizing recreational marijuana, according to a recent poll.
“Look at that face!” Donald Trump told Rolling Stone magazine. “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!”
On average, participants gave correct answers to two-thirds of the questions in the Pew Research Center's science survey.
Bernie Sanders took a slight lead over Hillary Clinton in a recent Iowa poll, but the former secretary of state still appears to be the front-runner on the national scene.
Ohioans will vote to legalize marijuana this November. Why do many cannabis activists say that's not a good thing?
The Republican candidate reportedly mocked GOP rival Carly Fiorina on her appearance.
James Blake spoke out Wednesday, saying police officers slammed him to the ground and briefly detained him in a case of mistaken identity.
The Republican presidential candidate's proposal would include reductions that would slash income taxes for 42 million middle-class families.
Researchers published their findings about the best types of work breaks to boost energy and focus.