While Clinton faces scrutiny and sliding poll numbers, an unannounced candidate is voters' favorite in a hypothetical general election.
Reports of a truck that smelled of death parked on an Austrian roadway indicated it held as many as 50 bodies inside.
When the levees broke, the floodwaters stripped away much of New Orleans' most affordable rental housing. A decade later, people like Desi Grimes are still struggling to find a home.
Univision CEO Randy Falco accused the GOP presidential hopeful of showing "complete disregard" for the feelings of "countless Hispanics" in the country.
Andy Parker, the father of Virginia shooting victim Alison Parker, vowed to fight for tighter gun control laws.
One memo details an incident where the alleged gunman lost his temper and left his co-workers "feeling both threatened and extremely uncomfortable."
Wednesday's shootings were variously described as a "tragic loss" and "absolutely heartbreaking."
American astronauts drink recycled urine while aboard the International Space Station, but the Russian crews, who also inhabit the station, do not.
A newly obtained legal opinion from 2003 shows how the Bush administration viewed its duty to keep Congress informed.
Republican party leaders in Virginia and North Carolina are considering requiring loyalty oaths for candidates entering their primaries.
Jeb Bush has said that he will act independently and differently than his brother, responding to Democrats who have sought to link the former governor with his brother's policies.
The U.S. president has invited his counterpart to the White House in September, but the meeting will come amid rising tensions over hacking.
If the economy slips into recession, that could have a profound impact on the party's hopes of keeping the White House.
The cannabis industry has battled stigma and now marijuana universities are determined to foster a sense of legitimacy for pot professionals.
Trump's campaign spoke with International Business Times about the tense exchange between Ramos and the Trump fan.
The two celebrities argued over immigration policy in Iowa on Tuesday.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo gives subsidies to GE as critics say the mega-firm is refusing to eliminate its cancer-causing pollution in the Hudson River.
Louisiana's Road Home rebuilding program was supposed to help those who lost their houses to Hurricane Katrina. A decade later, the journey home is far from over.
Clinton has been criticized for not declaring her support for a proposed law that has the backing of Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders.
Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was removed by security early in the press conference after trying to ask Trump a question without being called on.
In an unusual political turnaround, Trump's "favorable" numbers are surging while negative views of him decline.
Bush, while trying to temper his own "anchor babies" comment, dismissed Trump's border wall plan as "a great sound bite" but not practical or "conservative."
Researchers found men who committed spontaneous domestic murders have distinct profiles from those who kill people they do not know.
The state ranks No. 4 in the rate of so-called narrow care plans, which limit the number of doctors from whom enrollees can seek care.
An endorsement by Cornel West could be the shot in the arm Bernie Sanders needs to win over black voters who remain skeptical of his credentials on black issues.
The budget shortfall is predicted to drop in the next two years, then more than double by 2025.
“You know things cost money, and they need to learn that things cost money, and really all lives matter,” said Paul.
An average of polls in the Granite State shows the Vermont senator in the lead for the first time in the Democratic race.
The Palmetto State’s senator, despite winning reelection there last year, couldn’t muster more than 4 percent support in a new poll.
As more countries look to the Arctic for drilling and other industries, Russia is trying to solidify its claims there.