He was found guilty of six charges, including lying to investigators and posting racist remarks.
Teen Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse is accused of violating the terms of his release.
More screen time actually makes people blink less.
An overdose could cause bleeding problems, while a lower-than-intended dosage could lead to blood clotting conditions.
Questioned about his fuel-guzzling high-emission flight, the former secretary of state said "that was the only choice for someone like me"
This day is marked to recognize the various volunteers and the youngsters for their support to their communities.
Fernando Ochoa and his father Ubaldo Ochoa Lopez fled Guatemala over two years ago and came to the U.S. to seek asylum.
The batteries of Victory Innovations and Protexus-brand electrostatic sprayers can reportedly overheat and melt.
As the talk of school reopenings emerges, the CDC touches on teachers receiving the COVID-19 shot.
Double-masking adds another layer, which “makes sense that it would likely be more effective," Dr. Fauci said.
A man from New Jersey has received the first successful face and double hand transplant surgery.
"The entire community could start getting back to normal," Fauci said, "and they could be doing things that each and every person wants to do."
On this day, take your pet dog out for a walk or buy some treats to celebrate the loyal, furry friends.
Warren has tweeted that her first order of business on the Senate Finance Committee will be to introduce legislation for a wealth tax on fortunes above $50 million.
Did you know that the only woman to receive the Medal of Honor so far is a female physician?
To celebrate this day, spend some time with your pet or adopt a golden retriever for yourself.
Her father also contracted COVID-19 and passed away while she was at the hospital.
An Idaho business owner loves playing the lottery to give back to state schooling.
Billionaire Jeff Bezos announced he will step down from Amazon's CEO in Q3 of 2021.
Americans will be able to get their COVID-19 vaccine from select pharmacies around the country.
Biden has prioritized creating a special task force to reunify the families as part of his sweeping redo of Trump's immigration policies, which focused on deterring migration from Central America.
Dolly Parton has helped tremendously with the funding for the Moderna vaccine, but she's yet to get the shot.
"You need to get vaccinated when it becomes available, as quickly and as expeditiously as possible throughout the country."
On Feb. 2 every year, the National Ukulele Day is celebrated in the United States to spread the joyful sound of music.
In celebration of Black History Month, here are 12 facts and milestones of the African American community.
Members of housing advocacy group Oly Housing Now allegedly occupied the Red Lion Hotel in Olympia, Washington.
It is one of the oldest feasts in Christianity and marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox.
She was 4 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare subtype of leukemia.
Groundhog Day is observed on Feb. 2, and each year, a groundhog will be given the task of predicting the weather for the next six weeks. Punxsutawney Phil is only one of the many groundhogs given the opportunity to play weatherman, but how often are the woodchuck's predictions correct?
The Chinese government has often targeted Americans for their DNA largely due to the ethnic diversity of the U.S.