Sean Peek saw the woman “either fall or jump” into the Cohansey River.
McConnell said the relief would be targeted toward healthcare, education and economic issues.
The House Oversight Committee announced an investigation of Postmaster General Louis Dejoy following allegations he compensated former employees for political contributions.
The book details Cohen's time working as Trump's personal attorney and what he witnessed and heard during that time.
A Kansas teacher has found a way to have fun with virtual learning for the new school year.
The president has lost a huge fundraising advantage as Biden rakes in record amount in August.
Witnesses say two groups were fighting over a woman.
The peaceful protests on Monday and Sunday contrasted to the chaotic altercations between protesters and police that started the weekend.
The boy was last seen wearing a red and white Mickey Mouse shirt.
The reporter was trying to ask about Trump's alleged comments about U.S. soldiers who died in combat when the awkward back-and-forth took place.
Donnie Brownlow Jr. was detained on charges of domestic battery, obstruction, felony driving while license suspended and violation of probation.
The bishop-elect submitted his resignation after a diocesan review board concluded that the sexual abuse accusation against him "met the standard" for further investigation.
The victim and her brother were both taken to a hospital to get treated following the incident.
Florida seems past the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic with cases and deaths declining since mid-July.
President Donald Trump dismissed claims made in an article by The Atlantic where he was accused of disparaging fallen U.S. soldiers on a trip to France in 2018.
President Donald Trump says Biden and Harris' political rhetoric may endanger the lives of the public and undermine the science behind the COVID-19 vaccine.
Trump says just because he made derogatory remarks about John McCain, shouldn't convince anyone to believe he called American World War I casualties "losers" and "suckers."
Trump told reporters he doesn't think Democratic leaders are serious about agreeing to a new round of stimulus because a poor economy would improve their election prospects.
Trump said Biden and Harris are disparaging the quick development of a coronavirus vaccine to improve their election chances.
It's not widespread fraud as President Trump has claimed, nor is it the fact that final results may not be apparent for days.
Using a paintball gun to shoot is a felony.
Sept. 7 marks the unofficial end of summer.
A record 52% of young adults from the ages of 18 to 29 are living with their parents amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as the virus has resulted in economic upheaval.
The plane bound for Guam made an emergency landing minutes after leaving Hickam Air Force Base.
"Everyone’s like, 'Don’t you have COVID? Don’t you literally have COVID?' Yes, I f----g have COVID. The whole f-----g world has COVID," she says in the video.
The unnamed sailor assigned to USS Nimitz was reported missing Sunday.
"He reached to get his bag and when he turned around, the Lyft driver just cold-cocked him in the face and this came out the blue," the passenger's wife said.
Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of every September in the U.S., unlike many other countries, where it is celebrated on May 1.
Here are seven reasons to enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverage this National Beer Lovers Day.
"It is labor indeed that puts the difference on everything." — John Locke