It was the second poll conducted by States of Play in swing states during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Frazee recently told his side of the story from behind bars.
Wisconsin continued its scheduled primary and elections after the state and U.S. Supreme Court ruled against extensions in absentee voting and delaying in-person voting.
In the absence of widespread testing, epidemiologists have been using "flu-like" data to track the early spread of the coronavirus in the United States, and Florida has stopped reporting that data in a move that experts say will make tracking COVID-19's spread more difficult.
Rescue divers have recovered the remains of Maeve Kennedy McKean, who went missing in the Chesapeake Bay on Thursday with her young son.
The World Health Organization's Director-General said "Africa can't and won't be a testing ground for any vaccine."
Gov. Jared Polis extends the quarantine from April 11 to April 26 as Colorado tries to flatten the curve of the outbreak in the state.
Mayor Michael Hancock has successfully repurposed the Colorado Convention Center into a 2,000-bed field hospital that houses homeless coronavirus patients.
Despite public claims by President Trump that "we have it very much under control in this country," contemperaneous memos from one of his top economic advisers paint a much more dire and much less controlled picture of the situation.
The Brighton Rehabilitation & Wellness Center are treating some 800 patients and employees “as if they already have the virus."
A Mississippi couple, who contracted coronavirus while out on a cruise, died Wednesday with their hands clasped together.
She “responded” by spraying the employee in the eyes with the disinfectant
Indian Prime Minister Modi and Trump spoke over the weekend where U.S. President was insistent that the bans on the drugs be released or that India may face some form of retaliation.
The Navy confirmed that the crewmember didn’t come into contact with patients.
What makes Whitsett’s case unique aside from her being a public figure is that she is expressing gratitude to President Donald J. Trump often viewed as the devil incarnate by the mainstream press and many Democrats.
Trump said he fully understood Biden's point of view presented to him during the phone call.
The report had surveyed 324 random hospitals between March 23 and March 27.
A total of 40 healthy volunteers will be needed for the human trial and the screening for the potential subjects has already begun.
Officials didn’t release further information on the workers who tested positive, such as which posts they fill, and whether they are still working or in quarantine.
Joe Biden sends an email to governors offering to assist them in the battle against COVID-19 and some found it offensive.
Our Old World as we know it has ended, to be replaced by a new one where COVID-19 looms menacingly in the background.
The state of Washington is giving away 400 ventilators it received from the federal government so that states struggling with COVID-19, such as New York, may use the equipment.
A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order against Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt's suspension on abortion procedures.
NYC Council Health Committee chairman Mark Levine initially tweeted that the temporary burials may be held in local parks but, he later stated that if needed, it will likely be done on Hart Island.
A man from Illinois shot and killed his girlfriend and then himself fearing that they may be positive for COVID-19.
The U.S. thus far is losing its war against COVID-19 and is suffering 1,000 deaths daily, a death toll not seen since World War 2.
Police said that residents of the house found the baby inside a package and called the police.
Gov. Brian Kemp's shelter-in-place order reopened Georgia's beaches, which many local officials had closed in the weeks before the order was made official.
According to authorities, the 43-year-old man suspected his wife of having an affair.
New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer said his mother was tough and loved the the Big Apple.