Seven of the most influential youth groups in the country who supported Bernie Sanders have begun to place pressure on Joe Biden, and issued a list of demands that if he accepts them, will unlock their $100 million in financial support and use of their political outreach resources to aid Biden's campaign.
Bill Gates weighs in on when he thinks Americans will be "completely safe' from the coronavirus.
Trump tweeted that Republicans don't do well when mail-in voting is widespread
“Thank you Bernie - for doing your best to fight for all of us, from the beginning, for your entire life,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, R-N.Y., tweeted.
The intelligence community and White House reportedly began holding briefings on coronavirus in the fall
The alternatives included masks made of t-shirts or bandanas for homemade protection against coronavirus while out in public.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has assured small businesses in the U.S. that the government will not run out of relief funding for them.
Senator Sanders emphasizes specific policy prescriptions to address the coronavirus crisis, while the former Vice President focuses on amorphous declarations of leadership, and the results to date provide an instructive window into how Democratic voters make decisions at the ballot box.
Trailing in delegates, Sanders suspended his campaign and cleared the way for Joe Biden to face Donald Trump in November.
The '80s wrestling icon compared the spread of COVID-19 to the 10 plagues of Egypt in one of his latest Instagram posts.
Most Americans also said Obama would lead better than Trump has been.
California Governor Gavin Newsom announced an order of 200 million masks to be fulfilled every month, and if he is successful in doing so, California will obtain the same amount of N95 masks in four months that the federal government will procure in 18 months.
A patient has died in a Michigan nursing home while calling for help using Alexa, the digital personal assistant.
Garcetti said that all Los Angeles residents are required to wear face coverings whenever they leave their homes to buy supplies, medicines and the like.
Georgia's city of Albany has become central to talks about how the coronavirus spread throughout the state following a funeral late in February.
They stayed in Antarctica and thought it would keep them safe from coronavirus.
Authorities had advised residents that they will be using a “different” siren.
The hazard-pay is for doctors, nurses and grocery store clerks, working on the front lines of the war against the coronavirus.
Officials did not mention how the firefighter contracted the virus.
“Police were not called at the time of this incident, but our officers began investigating after seeing the video on social media,” Newton, KS Police Department said.
Senate Republicans are pushing to both investigate and punish China and the WHO for allegedly unleashing and spreading COVID-19 worldwide.
President Donald Trump is the number one booster of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as an alleged cure for COVID-19. He also has an indirect stake in Sanofi, S.A., one of the major producers of hydroxychloroquine.
Mayor Andre Sayegh announced on Tuesday in a Facebook post that he has tested positive for COVID-19.
Health officials in the United States said that deaths due to coronavirus could be lower than the original projections if the public practiced social distancing.
A concerted effort by Americans to stay indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic will likely lead to far fewer deaths than the number originally predicted by the IHME model.
Suffolk County morgues were at half capacity as of Tuesday.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is leading the fight against COVID-19 in the U.S.
A retired New York police sergeant was found dead on the streets of Manhattan, just hours after he left the hospital where he was allegedly seeking treatment for his COVID-19 symptoms.
A family from New Orleans, Louisiana, is grieving the loss of four of its relatives, including their 86-year-old grandmother, due to coronavirus. They got sick and died within eight days of each other.
Alabama crime victims’ rights advocates are staunchly opposing the release of inmates even through they are vulnerable to contracting COVID-19.