Landlords were told in a letter signed by CEO David Overton about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the restaurant chain financially.
Even though Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers urges voters to use absentee ballots, he has refused to change the date in spite of many calls to do so over coronavirus fears.
One statistic from New York City is that about half of the people who have tested positive are less than 45 years old but very few are dying from it. That seems to mirror the statistics from Wuhan in China.
U.S. unemployment claims reached the highest level in history last week to more than 3.28 million claims due to the impact of the coronavirus.
Spring breakers in Miami are now feeling sorry for their actions, but it may be a little too late as the state is seeing a rise in coronavirus cases.
Cops and Park Department workers failed to stop pick-up games despite “repeated attempts.”
Nurses at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital claimed that they were not given access to PPE to treat patients suspected of having coronavirus.
The $2 trillion coronavirus bill has been passed by the Senate, will be passed by the House and will be signed into law by Trump by Friday.
The resolution has been criticized by various lawmakers alleging that it could put the Asian Americans in the country at risk.
SpaceX is making face shields and hand sanitizers for local hospitals near its headquarters in Hawthorne, California.
Amazon is donating more than 250,000 items to quarantine patients in the Seattle area.
As of March 24, a total number of 39 coronavirus positive cases have been confirmed amongst homeless New Yorkers.
It refers to the doctors telling the health care providers to not perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to restore the work of the heart and lungs when the patient stops breathing.
The party likely occurred between 10 to 14 days before the new case was discovered.
The sweeping order would impact the deployment and re-deployments of over 90,000 troops over the next 60 days.
Wall Street's first back-to-back rally since February ends Thursday with futures heralding another selloff on account of historic unemployment claims that will exceed one million.
State, tribal, eligible local government, and certain nonprofit organizations will receive emergency federal funding under the declaration.
Three medical experts contend the raging COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc throughout the U.S. might peak in about three weeks, or by the week of Easter Sunday.
President Donald Trump again lashes out against the mainstream media and Democrats for opposing his idea to reopen the U.S. for business on Easter Sunday despite the masssive dangers to public health posed by the raging COVID-19 pandemic.
Local authorities took 26-year-old Cody Pfister into custody Monday and now he has been charged by the Warren County Prosecuting Attorney's Office with a terrorist threat in the second degree.
COVID-19 continues to rampage across the mainland United States with ramped-up tests uncovering 12,322 more cases Wednesday.
The remains of Paige Johnson, who went missing from Kentucky in 2010, have been found near a state park in Ohio.
Joe Biden said he would prefer focusing his attention on the coronavirus, rather than on another televised debate.
Pastor Tony Spell said he didn't believe his congregation was at any risk of being exposed to COVID-19.
A New Jersey man is facing charges of making a terrorist threat, obstruction, and harassment.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is considering closing down parks, playgrounds and streets as a social distancing measure.
A majority of Americans can expect to receive a rebate check for around $1,000 as part of the stimulus package passed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
A birthday party in Connecticut is believed to be a coronavirus super-spreading event that led to a spike in new cases in the state.
Ohio and Texas state governments have been accused of exploiting a health crisis to promote a conservative agenda.
Walmart nearly faced criminal charges in Texas before the Justice Department intervened