Election 2020: A Look At The Top 10 Democratic Candidates

Joe Biden
There are 24 candidates vying for the nomination after entry into the race last week by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Despite the sheer number of candidates and the potential for runoffs in the primaries if the field remains large, frontrunners are
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Donald Trump

Trump News: Courts Aren't Buying Administration Attempts To Stonewall Subpoenas

The Trump administration's legal strategy to argue against every congressional information request was tested last week in federal court and despite Trump's appointment of hundreds to the federal bench — some of whom may agree with his notion of sweeping executive powers — rulings against administration positions were swift and decisive.

New York Times Fact-Checks Bernie Sanders On Campaign Trail

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has slipped to a sure second position behind former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 race to the White House, and while on trail has modestly misled or exaggerated statements concerning Medicare-for-all, climate change, proposed cuts to Medicare by President Trump, and the increase in uninsured Americans since Trump took office, a New York Times fact-checking article reported this weekend.


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