"They wanted it so badly that they could only hear the thought that they wanted."
The unidentified Marine pleaded guilty to the court martial for sharing explicit photos.
It's all about the e-mails.
"There was a burn mark on her hand, the hand that would have grabbed the phone."
The former Tennessee teacher will appear for his trial July 25 in the Elizabeth Thomas kidnapping case.
Horror novelist Stephen King has been critical of President Donald Trump ever since he was contesting in the presidential elections. King extensively used Twitter to express his opinion on matters involving the president.
The GOP’s main argument to replace Obamacare has been that it is collapsing but a new report claims insurers remained profitable in first quarter of 2017.
Democrats' move to block a health care initiative they once supported spotlights the party’s populist challenge in the Trump era.
The trial in the case was delayed last week after authorities said they did not have enough details on the gun that was linked to the murder of nursing student Holly Bobo.
Poor sleeping habits can lead to cognitive decline in old age and can also make it harder to think rationally and learn new things.
A Jewish Montana woman who was the target of harassment by neo-Nazi internet trolls has filed a lawsuit against her instigator, seeking damages after receiving over 700 threatening phone calls and messages since December 2016.
A Marine Corps military transport plane crashed about 85 miles north of Jackson in Mississippi on Monday evening. The crash killed 16 people on board.
A Texas man caught a 1,000-pound shark during a fishing competition.
An American Airlines flight was delayed for more than four hours over an alleged urine smell in the plane’s cabin.
A man harassing a group of three young boys on the street captured the incident on camera.
Trump made an unsubstantiated claim on Twitter that former F.B.I. Director James Comey leaked classified information.
President Donald Trump’s son may have run afoul of federal campaign finance law last June when he met with a Kremlin-connected lawyer who promised “damaging information” on his father’s election opponent, Hillary Clinton.
The 19-year-old nursing student's mother reportedly broke down in court when the announcement was made.
"We're going to need a bigger boat."
More than 850 charges were leveled against some of the fraternity brothers and the organization itself.
"She didn't know what she was doing or what she was saying," said defense attorney Cheney Mason.
Tens of thousands of commuters were expected to be affected by the partial shutdown at the hub.
Eggs contain a significant amount of recommended daily protein for both men and women.
New York Times found Trump Jr. looking for dirt.
After being injured, the man is seen making his way to the shore of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, clutching his wounded hand.
An Army man in New York was charged with killing his wife and a New York State Trooper, who responded to a call regarding a domestic dispute.
Amid increasing number of deaths due to opioid overdose, studies suggest use of medical marijuana can curb dependence on opiates
In May, conspiracy theory surrounding Rich's death re-surfaced after hacker Kim Dotcom said the DNC staffer was a Wikileaks source.
Coco Loko is sold online for $19.99 for a 1.25-ounce (3.5-gram) tin. Its label says the powder also contains stimulants commonly found in energy drinks.
The International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida said in January that unprovoked shark attacks across the world dropped after a record-breaking number in 2015.