U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson ordered a temporary halt to Trump's revised travel ban citing "significant and unrebutted evidence of religious animus" behind it.
The departure comes as the third in recent months amid the company's spate of controversies in 2017.
“Even Illegal immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans,” a Cato Institute study indicates.
"The middle class are getting absolutely destroyed," Trump said in 2015. "This country won't have a middle class soon."
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes says there was no physical wiretap at Trump Tower.
House Speaker Paul Ryan says before Thursday's likely vote, the plan will be changed to give more assistance to people in their 50s and 60s.
Law enforcement officials in the state issued an amber alert for 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas who went missing on March 13.
Melania Trump's small, central European country is going through a rebranding to reflect its relation to the first lady.
Roger Stone, President Donald Trump's longtime confidant, has been notified by the Senate Intelligence Committee to preserve all evidence regarding Russia's interference in the presidential election.
The man drove to a security check point and claimed to have a bomb in his car. He was detained by officers from the Secret Service Uniform Division.
The surtax on the super-wealthy was meant to help cover some of the costs of Obamacare. Trumpcare seeks to do away with it.
An advertising company is getting heat for using a zoo's raccoon for a "sexy" shoot.
The army will receive 244 Apache 'E' variant models at what Boeing said was an "affordable price."
"Being president is a serious job... It's not hosting a talk show or a reality show."
The term virgin no longer applies only to people who have never had sex.
Under current law, the Veterans Administration decides that a veteran is "mentally incompetent" if they need another person to help them with their finances.
An analysis indicates the value of Wall Street bonuses has increased 890 percent since 1985 while the minimum wage has only increased 116 percent.
A new poll by CNN/ORC shows that 71 percent of Americans believe the U.S. government should not be trying to deport undocumented immigrants.
The president's proposed budget faces hurdles laid down by Democrats and could affect the military's spending bill later this year.
Trump's budget plan yielded a mixed market reaction, with defense firms' shares dropping, only to soar the next day.
A key feature of the skull changed to accommodate the shift from walking on four feet to two, a new study claims.
The potential bill would strip Chinese nationals of their U.S. visas if they were involved in China's aggression in the South China Sea.
"If they elevate the threat of their weapons program to a level that we believe requires action then that option is on the table," Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told a press conference in Seoul.
Obama is relaxing now, but that might not last.
The secretary of state's maiden Asia trip was embroiled in controversy after he cut short his appointments in Seoul, reportedly because he was exhausted.
It remains unclear if the theft was random or if the woman, who has not been identified, was deliberately targeted.
Physical traits that are directly exposed to weather conditions experience natural selection and evolve faster.
A survey of 4,400 people showed how long most people would like sex to last...and how long it actually does.
TV actor Ricardo Medina actor was most notably known for his role as Cole Evans, the Red Wild Force Ranger, killed his roommate with a sword in 2015.
Heather Mack and her boyfriend were convicted of killing her mother while on vacation in Bali, Indonesia in 2014.