A different issue with Takata airbags forced the car manufacturer to issue a safety compliance recall.
Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell said that the threat by jihadist groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State group to airports was "going to get worse."
The study also finds that adults would benefit by using hearing aids.
President Trump was furiously tweeting about his opposition Friday morning.
The queen met with battalion members and their new mascot for a St. Davids Day celebration.
Wellesley's President Paula Johnson said in an email to the college campus that the event was kept under lock and key to “ ensure this remains a private Wellesley event."
While nothing is quite like a simple "thank you," there are plenty of other ways to show employees your appreciation during the unofficial holiday.
A 14-year-old girl, who was a witness for the murder case of the Hispanic woman, revealed details about being sexually assaulted by the MS-13 gang members.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the allegations surrounding the meeting between the U.S. attorney general and Sergei Kislyak, the Russian Ambassador to the U.S., similar to a witch hunt.
Some Democrats have continued to raise demands for an official investigation of the raid which has been subsequently characterized as "botched."
The two-time Oscar winner, who is also a liberal activist, revealed that she had been sexually abused as a child.
Paris Jackson, the second child of Michael Jackson, attempted suicide several times but overcame her issues with the support of her family.
DARPA collected real-time data for more than 100,000 hours and covered more than 150,000 miles in the seven-month test to detect traces of radiation to prepare for a "dirty bomb" attack.
Residents in Randolph County received the alerts on a local radio station. However, the sheriff's department said the broadcasts were the work of hackers.
The number of unauthorized Mexican immigrants in the U.S. has fallen by 1 million since 2007 to 5.8 million.
A team of MIT researchers has assessed the public health impact of the sale of 2.6 million Volkswagen vehicles fitted with "defeat devices."
Peter Dinklage and wife Erica Schmidt are already parents to a 5-year-old daughter named Zelig Dinklage.
The bill, drafted by Democratic state Rep. Garnet Coleman, calls for, among other things, raising the burden of proof needed to conduct stop and frisk searches.
The vice president was among the fiercest critics of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
The ban took effect this week to stem arguments that have nearly turned physical.
American military advisors tasked with training and advising the Syrian Democratic Forces were only about 3 miles away when the joint Russian and Syrian attack occurred Tuesday.
The two often sit together at official events, even sharing a smooch.
"I have decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for president of the United States," the attorney general said.
The poll also showed that only 68 percent of Republicans believe the right to nonviolent protest is important to maintaining a democratic society.
Former President Barack Obama has moved into the luxury Washington neighborhood of Kalorama along with diplomats, entrepreneurs and associates of President Donald Trump.
Thiel's company, Palantir Technologies, will be helping Immigration and Customs Enforcement use mass data collection and analysis to track down undocumented immigrants.
The bear, which allegedly had been sedated, woke up in the middle of the trip and panicked once it saw itself swaying in a net attached to the helicopter.
The attorney general seemed to hint that he had already planned to recuse himself long before a damning report was published Wednesday.
The comedian has two new specials coming to the streaming service this spring. Here's what you need to know.
Jeff Sessions recused himself Thursday from an investigation into links between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russian officials.