Donald Trump Jr. reportedly got a nice chunk of change from Kremlin allies for an October speech in Paris.
The federal government is investigating allegations of Caterpillar hiding billions of profits overseas.
The U.S. Senate would meet with the spy who unearthed President Trump's alleged ties to Russia in the U.K. or on neutral territory.
Currently, only patients with chronic or severe illnesses are able to receive medical marijuana prescriptions in Nevada.
After six years of struggling with a drought, the state was pummeled with nonstop rain and flooding.
The curriculum is expected to teach students about online safety, sexting and consent.
The late comedian's mural is catching flack from Joan Dangerfield.
“I’ll say never on this one. Nevah. N-E-V-A-H. Nevah.”
The ordinance mandates that any individual or non-profit organization can sue the city up to $5,000 if their private information appeared in a federal registry.
From Thin Mints to Samoas, the beer bar franchise has offered up craft beer pairings to accompany your boxed treat.
John Guandolo, who once called former CIA Director John Brennan a "secret Muslim," is set to give a training seminar to Louisiana law enforcement next week.
Smoking marijuana is increasingly accepted, but a report says that more women are smoking weed while they are pregnant, which can be a problem for the babies.
While California air quality officials have advised against constructing new homes and apartments within 500 feet of a freeway for over a decade, the city issued building permits for 4,300 homes by freeways in 2015.
Body experts examining the first lady during Trump's speech to Congress noticed an uncanny resemblance to Princess Diana.
The first lady took a holistic approach to well-being and healing during a meeting with Children's National Health System.
Scientists looking to measure the snowpack in the Reno, Nevada, area could not gauge the depth due to the record-setting winter.
Republicans and Democrats claimed Thursday the GOP is keeping its repeal and replace plan secret.
Jeff Sessions is just the latest Trump official to be questioned over Russia Allegations.
The quarterback started a wave of silent protest across all levels of American football when decided to kneel for the pre-game national anthem last season.
The bill would make it easier for small businesses to hand out shares to workers, but it would also allow them to dodge SEC oversight.
A group of artificial intelligence scientists and cyber security experts met in the Arizona desert to discuss a "doomsday plan."
The president's planned $54 billion military spending increase could result in massive cuts in diplomacy and environmental protections.
March 2 marks the 181nd anniversary of Texas declaring its independence from Mexico.
The NYPD told its officers to open fire on vehicles that they believe are attempting to carry out vehicle-ramming attacks on pedestrians.
A poll released Tuesday showed incumbent Mayor Bill De Blasio was favored 59-25 over Republican challenger Paul Massey. But Clinton could throw a wrench into his plans.
Former President Barack Obama will make a high-profile public appearance in May to accept a major honor.
The new attorney general has remained steadfast in his denials that he ever met with Russian officials during the president's campaign.
The White House is just several billion dollars short of funding Trump's border project.
The attorney general is one of many millionaires on President Donald Trump's Cabinet.
“It’s another tool that’s unbiased and holds people accountable,” said Max Kramer, creator of the device.