The first New Year's celebration in Times Square was hosted in 1904 by New York Times owner Adolph Ochs, who wanted a grand fireworks display to mark the opening of the newspaper's new One Times Square location.
The three men allegedly hacked into the computers of U.S. law firms that advise companies on mergers, and made over $4 million using insider information.
An appeals court said Tuesday the State Department and the National Archives should have done more than just requesting the FBI and Hillary Clinton to hand over copies of the emails.
The U.S. Geological Survey said three earthquakes, measuring between magnitudes 5.7 and 5.5, hit in the early hours of Wednesday.
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer's comments were in anticipation of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's speech Wednesday.
Gov. John Hickenlooper signed two ballot measures into law Tuesday that allow unaffiliated voters to cast their ballots in primaries without declaring party affiliation.
The cervids were trying to cross the ice on the Powder River arm of the Brownlee Reservoir, about 260 miles east of Portland, when it broke in four places.
The Academy Award-winning filmmaker has urged fellow Americans still in shock over Donald Trump’s election win to “get to work.”
The snowpack, which is the source of roughly a third of California's water supply, had a water content of 10.5 inches, just 72 percent of the Dec. 27 average.
Police suspended Friday the search for Anne-Christine Johnson, a 30-year-old mother of two boys who disappeared Dec. 8.
The Bible's story of the virgin birth is a key Christian teaching that explains how Jesus is both human and God, according to some Christian leaders.
White nationalist Richard Spencer accused organizers of the DeploraBall of promoting themselves at the expense of ideology.
Despite Chicago's homicide rate approaching a two-decade high, it's not the most dangerous city in the United States. That distinction belongs to East St. Louis, Illinois.
Ciccariello-Maher’s website describes him as a writer and radical political theorist whose academic specialties include “race and racism.”
The 200 dead birds fell two days before Thanksgiving in the western Cumberland County agricultural community of Stow Creek Township in New Jersey. It was sunny outside, but cold.
Pamela Taylor directed the slur against first lady Michelle Obama after the Nov. 8 election.
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee," is a Muhammad Ali quote that will live on for years after his death.
A seven-paragraph Facebook post apparently directed toward the boy’s father contains the words, “You will never see your son again.”
"I got to be the only girl in an all boy fantasy," Fisher said. "She's a very proactive character and gets the job done. So if you're going to get typecast as something, that might as well be it for me."
Black Lives Matter in Atlanta took to Twitter Sunday ask why African-Americans celebrate Christmas since whites do not celebrate black holidays.
There are dozens of New Year's Eve games that are free to print, download and play.
Betty White's name started trending Tuesday after Carrie Fisher's death was announced.
The victim, who is black and transgender, was on his way home from work as a hair-stylus when he offered his seat to her.
With the death of Richard Adams, here are some things to know about his famed book.
The first week of January brings massive amounts of gift returns.
The violence reported at malls in more than a dozen states were mostly altercations between teenagers.
The actress of "Star Wars" fame died Tuesday at the age of 60.
Marijuana-infused edibles were the highest selling items leading up to Christmas in states where the drug is legal.
The brewing controversy comes after a high-profile policy reversal last year to allow gay scout leaders.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks alongside President Barack Obama during a historic trip to Pearl Harbor.