NDAA Bill Of 2013: How Did Your Congress Member Vote?
Want to know how your House member voted on the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013, better known as the NDAA?
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill, which it dubbed H.R. 4130, on Dec. 20, 2012, by a vote of 315 to 107, with 9 members not voting.
The official summary of the bill, according to the official United States Senate website, reads as follows:
"To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2013 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes."
President Barack Obama signed the bill into law on Jan. 3, 2012.
Below is the breakdown of the House vote by last name, as reported under the roll call list section of the official House website. Democratic members of Congress are in italics:
Adams Aderholt Akin Alexander Altmire Amodei Andrews Austria Baca Bachus Barber Barletta Barrow Bartlett Barton (TX) Bass (NH) Benishek Berg Berman Biggert Bilbray Bilirakis Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Bishop (UT) Black Blackburn Bonamici Bonner Bono Mack Boren Boustany Brady (PA) Brady (TX) Brooks Broun (GA) Brown (FL) Buchanan Bucshon Buerkle Burgess Butterfield Calvert Camp Canseco Cantor Capito Capps Carnahan Carter Cassidy Castor (FL) Chabot Chaffetz Chandler Cicilline Clay Cleaver Clyburn Coble Coffman (CO) Cole Conaway Connolly (VA) Cooper Costa Costello Courtney Cravaack Crawford Crenshaw Critz Cuellar Cummings Curson (MI) Davis (CA) DeFazio DelBene Denham Dent Deutch Diaz-Balart Dicks Dingell Doggett Dold Donnelly (IN) Dreier Duffy Duncan (SC) Ellmers Emerson Engel Eshoo Farenthold Fincher Fitzpatrick Flake Fleischmann Fleming Flores Forbes Foxx Franks (AZ) Frelinghuysen | Fudge Gallegly Garamendi Gardner Garrett Gerlach Gibbs Gingrey (GA) Gohmert Gonzalez Goodlatte Gowdy Granger Graves (MO) Green, Al Green, Gene Griffin (AR) Grimm Guinta Guthrie Hanabusa Hanna Harper Hartzler Hastings (FL) Hastings (WA) Hayworth Heck Heinrich Hensarling Herger Herrera Beutler Higgins Hinojosa Hirono Hochul Holden Holt Hoyer Huizenga (MI) Hultgren Hunter Hurt Israel Issa Jackson Lee (TX) Jenkins Johnson (OH) Johnson, E. B. Jordan Kaptur Keating Kelly Kildee King (IA) King (NY) Kingston Kinzinger (IL) Kissell Kline Lamborn Lance Langevin Lankford Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) LaTourette Latta Levin Lewis (CA) Lipinski LoBiondo Long Lowey Lucas Luetkemeyer Luján Lungren, Daniel E. Manzullo Marino Matheson McCarthy (CA) McCarthy (NY) McCaul McHenry McIntyre McKeon McKinley McMorris Rodgers McNerney Meehan Meeks Mica Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Miller, Gary Moran Mulvaney Murphy (PA) Myrick Neugebauer Noem Nunes Nunnelee Olson | Owens Palazzo Pascrell Pastor (AZ) Paulsen Pearce Pence Perlmutter Peterson Petri Pitts Platts Poe (TX) Pompeo Posey Price (GA) Price (NC) Quayle Rahall Reed Rehberg Reichert Renacci Richardson Richmond Rigell Roby Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Rokita Rooney Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Ross (AR) Ross (FL) Rothman (NJ) Royce Runyan Ruppersberger Ryan (OH) Ryan (WI) Sánchez, Linda T. Sanchez, Loretta Scalise Schiff Schilling Schmidt Schock Schrader Schwartz Scott (SC) Scott (VA) Scott, Austin Scott, David Sessions Sewell Sherman Shimkus Shuler Shuster Simpson Sires Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Southerland Speier Stearns Stivers Stutzman Sullivan Sutton Terry Thompson (MS) Thompson (PA) Thornberry Tiberi Tipton Towns Tsongas Turner (NY) Turner (OH) Upton Visclosky Walden Walz (MN) Wasserman Schultz Waxman Webster West Westmoreland Whitfield Wilson (FL) Wilson (SC) Wittman Wolf Womack Woodall Yoder Young (AK) Young (FL) Young (IN) |
Ackerman Amash Bachmann Baldwin Bass (CA) Becerra Blumenauer Boswell Braley (IA) Campbell Capuano Carney Carson (IN) Chu Clarke (MI) Clarke (NY) Cohen Conyers Crowley Davis (IL) DeGette DeLauro DesJarlais Doyle Duncan (TN) Edwards Ellison Farr Fattah Frank (MA) Gibson Gosar Graves (GA) Griffith (VA) Grijalva Gutierrez | Hahn Hall Harris Himes Hinchey Honda Huelskamp Johnson (GA) Johnson (IL) Jones Kind Kucinich Labrador Landry Latham Lee (CA) Lewis (GA) Loebsack Lofgren, Zoe Lummis Lynch Mack Maloney Marchant Markey Massie Matsui McClintock McCollum McDermott McGovern Michaud Miller (NC) Miller, George Moore Murphy (CT) | Nadler Napolitano Neal Nugent Olver Pallone Paul Payne Pelosi Peters Pingree (ME) Polis Quigley Rangel Ribble Roe (TN) Rush Sarbanes Schakowsky Schweikert Sensenbrenner Serrano Slaughter Thompson (CA) Tierney Tonko Van Hollen Velázquez Walberg Walsh (IL) Waters Watt Welch Woolsey Yarmuth |
Not Voting:
Berkley Burton (IN) Culberson | Fortenberry Johnson, Sam Reyes | Rivera Roybal-Allard Stark |
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