Nuclear radiation doubts fully answered for people living around evacuation areas

As people in Japan struggle to control the damaged nuclear reactors and various agencies are involved in mitigating the risk involved. The people are living under a constant threat of nuclear radiation. To put all the doubts to rest Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency has released a question and answer session that expalins nuclear radiation threats.
Will there be health risks if one is exposed to rain?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. However, if it still worries you, take a shower to wash your hair and skin, and wash your wet clothes.
How wet does one need to get before one's health is affected?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected.
Will children and pregnant women be safe?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks to children and pregnant women, who are highly sensitive to radioactivity, when they are exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. There will be no problem in carrying on the pregnancy.
I am worried because I got wet with rain as I had no umbrella or any rain gear with me while I was out.
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. However, if it still worries you, take a shower to wash your hair and skin, and wash wet clothes.
What should I do with hair that has got wet with rain?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. However, if it still worries you, wash your hair with shower.
Can I directly drain the water that was used to wash hair?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. You can directly drain the water that was used to wash hair.
I want to wash the clothes that got wet with rain. Can I drain the water directly?
There are some areas outside the evacuation and in-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. However, you can drain the water used to wash the clothes directly.
Bags, briefcases, suits and other items that cannot be washed got wet with rain. What should I do?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. If you are worried, wipe off the rain with a towel, etc. Wash the towel and you can use it again without any problem.
What should I do with umbrellas and other raingear that get wet with rain?
There are some areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. However, there will be no problem in using the raingear again without treating them.
My car and bicycle got wet with rain. Can I use them without doing anything?
There are some areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. However, you can use the car and bicycle without doing anything.
Is it safe to use rainwater to flush the toilet?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. There is no problem in using rainwater for draining, such as flushing toilet.
My pet got wet with rain outdoors. What should I do?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks when one is exposed to rain even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. Therefore, there is no problem even if a pet gets wet with rain. If you are worried, wipe off rain with a towel or wash it off with shower.
My pet drank water from a puddle. Should I be worried?
There are some areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. The level of radioactivity, however, is such that it will not affect the health of the pet even if it drank water from a puddle.
The (officially announced) radioactivity measurements have increased from around the time it rained. Are we still safe?
Measurements of radioactivity may rise in those areas where it rained because tiny amounts of radioactive substances contained in the rain remain on the ground. The level of radioactivity that is observed currently will not cause any health risks.
Isn't the level of radioactivity in drinking water and agricultural produce going to increase in the days ahead?
The level of radioactivity may rise depending on wind directions and rain in the days ahead. However, there is no need to be particularly concerned about this until governors concerned and others order restrictions on their shipments or intake.
I am using water from the well. Is it all right to drink it?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected.
I am growing vegetables at home. Is it all right to eat them?
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks even though traces of radioactivity have been detected in some areas outside the areas where shipments of agricultural produce are restricted.
In areas where shipments of agricultural produce are restricted please refrain as much as possible from consuming green vegetables (restricted items) grown at home.
Is it all right to eat green vegetables other than the restricted items?
There is no problem in eating green vegetables other than the restricted items.
I ate green vegetables whose shipments are restricted. Will I be all right?
Standards for restriction are set in terms of continued consumption of an item for one year. There will be no problem even if you eat that item continuously for a week or two.
I am worried and I want to be examined for exposure to radioactivity.
The level of radioactivity is such that it will not cause any health risks even in those areas outside the evacuation and In-house evacuation areas where traces of radioactivity have been detected. There is no need for a check-up for exposure to radioactivity.
Do we need to take iodine tablets?
At present there is no need to take iodine pills. Please pay attention to information from the Emergency Response Headquarters and follow their instructions.
Whom can I contact for inquiries?
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the National Institute of Radiological Sciences will respond to your questions and concerns. Please contact below for inquiries.
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