The Cathie Black Debacle
On April 7, just 95 days after Mayor Michael Bloomberg appointed Hearst Magazines Chairwoman Cathie Black to replace Joel Klein as the city's school chancellor, she stepped down from the post. Her tenure was an absolute disgrace, exposing Black to withering criticism, which she responded to by mocking parents of public school students. His hiring of a media baron was also one of the most blatant demonstrations of Bloomberg's lack of touch with city residents. He replaced her with Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott, who has been much more successful so far.

As 2012 approaches, this is a great time of year to relax by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate and recall all the mistakes Mayor Michael Bloomberg made in 2011.

There were many to choose from, beginning with the fallout from the 2010 snowstorm, which lingered through much of 2011 to the largest financial fraud to hit the city during his tenure, to a number of issues with his police force.

The first two terms of his rule were strong ones, bringing the country together in the wake of 9/11, and putting New York back on strong financial footing. But his third term was wracked with scandal and failure.

So put on your stocking cap and slippers, sidle up near the glow of the roasting Yule log and fire up the iPad, as this slideshow will remind you that your failures can never match up to those of Bloomberg. And that is sure to fill the heart with good cheer.

We know this is an incomplete list, so if you think of any other major Bloomberg bumbles, flubs or gaffes we should add to the list, please let us know in the comments.