#OOMF: Twitter Trending Acronyms Decoded

Twitter trending acronyms are a mystery to those who are 140 characters behind.
Every so often, certain phrases will trend that are only made up of letters - such as the BRB, G2G, TTYL of the good old AOL AIM slang.
Nowadays, acronyms become popular so quickly that people do not understand what they refer to. Preceded by a hastag, these abbreviations may be quite puzzling when they appear for the first time on your trending list.
Fret not, Twitterly-challenged. Here is a list of some of the some of the most obscure Twitter acronyms decoded for your tweeting pleasure.
- CIR = Comprehensive Immigration Reform
- CX = Correction
- DWN = Detention Watch Network
- FF = Follow Friday
- FTW = For The Win
- HT = Hat Tip
- IKR = I Know Right
- IRL= In Real Life
- JB = Justin Beiber
- MT = Modified Tweet
- NTTW = New To The World
- OH = Overheard
- OOMF = One Of My Followers/Friends
- PRT = Please Re Tweet or Partial Re Tweet
- RTHX = Thanks for the ReTweet
- SMH = Shaking My Head
- SMM = Social Media Marketing
- TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read
- TMB = Tweet Me Back
- YKYAT = You Know You're Addicted To
- YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
- YOYO = You're On Your Own
- ZTWITT = (to tweet extremely fast)
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