‘Orange Is The New Black’ Season 2 Spoilers: What Happened In Episode 2, 'Looks Blue, Tastes Red' [RECAP]

“Orange is the New Black” had a pretty jaw-dropping premiere. But if you thought episode 1 was chock-full of drama, just wait to see what episode 2, “Looks Blue, Tastes Red,” has in store for fans.
Episode 2 begins with a flashback of young Taystee – who was called Tasha back then – at a Black Adoption Festival. The spunky little girl was attempting to win over a couple for a permanent home with her talent and wits but her blunt behavior and foul mouth deterred hopeful parents from picking her. Tasha then wandered off to a bench to snack on a tasty blue treat where a woman named Vee Parker just so happened to sit down next to her. And thus a mother/daughter relationship was born!
Vee dubbed the little girl Taystee, which is the nickname she carried with her until present day. And even took "Taystee Girl" under her wing to work in the drug trade Vee had created. This is the first time Taystee felt like part of a family.
Back in Litchfield (present day), it’s revealed that Pennsatucky had survived her fight with Piper. A month later, she made her return to the cells after getting released from solitary. When she comes back, she’s asked to make a pit stop at Mr. Healy’s office. The two discuss what happened that night (Season 1 finale) and Healy bargains with Doggett to keep her mouth shut about his role -- or lack there of -- in the fight in exchange for a pair of teeth.
As Pennsatucky scores a pair of chompers, the inmates are all trying to out-dress each other in order to win part 1 of the Mock Job Fair hosted by a representative from Philip Morris. Taystee, who is driven by the idea that if she wins the fair a job will wait for her when her sentence is through, ends up winning. But the only thing she receives is a measly $10 credit in the prison commissary. That’s when Taystee spots Vee applauding her in the background and strangely enough, the Mock Job Fair winner doesn’t look too pleased to see the woman who essentially raised her.
Speaking of unpleasantries, Daya, who is pregnant with Bennet’s baby, is currently facing a terrible case of constipation. Daya’s mother and Mendoza compete to help flush her system, starting a tug-of-war over who has the best motherly qualities. But it's not until after trying both of their methods that Daya is finally able to use the bathroom. She thanks both women for their help, putting an end to their squabble.
With one battle out of the way, Mendoza and her girls can focus on the big, red problem staring them in the face. The Russian matriarch is still upset over being banned from the kitchen and isn’t quiet about letting her feelings be known. But until she’s able to reclaim her stove, Red decides to mingle with a new and older crowd. That’s right, Red joins the elders and becomes one of them by the time episode 2 is through. Talk about a change of pace.
What did you think of "Looks Blue, Tastes Red"? Why do you think Vee is in prison? Sound off in the comments section below with your thoughts regarding episode 2 of "Orange is the New Black."
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