Pet Dog Shot, Killed By Neighbor Before Owner After It Sniffs His Canines

A man was charged with animal cruelty Friday for fatally shooting his neighbor’s German Shepherd after the canine started sniffing his pet dogs. The incident took place in Adams County, Pennsylvania, on Sept. 21.
According to the court documents, the German Shepherd went near the accused, 58-year-old Steven Hertzler’s canines after getting out of its owner’s truck. While sniffing Hertzler’s canines from outside the fence, the accused came out of his home yelling “Get your f------ dog!”
He then waived his gun in the direction of the dog’s owner and his two minor children before shooting the canine in front of them. The dog, named Nova, was rushed to a nearby animal hospital where it had to be euthanized because of the extent of its injuries.
Nova’s unidentified owner then took to Facebook to share the heart-wrenching incident.
“This guy barreled out of his house. I saw Nova, called her, she came running back to me and he shot her. She wasn’t even on that land more than 15 seconds. He pointed his 44 mag at a 10 and 13 year old. He said he would kill all of us too then ran back in his house,” he wrote.
During police interrogation, Hertzler said he shot Nova because it had charged at his three little dogs and had also attempted to attack them. He was “afraid for his dogs.” He added that he shot Nova with his “eyes closed”.
Speaking to FOX43, the accused said the dog was wandering around his property for about 45 minutes before he shot it. The claims were, however, denied by Nova’s owner.
Meanwhile, Hertzler was charged with aggravated cruelty to an animal and recklessly endangering another person and was scheduled to appear in court Oct. 2.