Prince William looks smashing with a beard, and so he is urged to go bald and grow facial hair.

The Duke of Cambridge doesn’t maintain facial hair like his younger brother Prince Harry. However, many believe that the future king looks so good with beard.

Photos of Prince William with beard has resurfaced and netizens are convinced that he should maintain it. Some royal watchers even said that Kate Middleton’s husband looks “a million times better” with it, Daily Mail first reported.

“Prince William needs a beard,” one wrote.

“I agree! His brother grows a fantastic beard and he should too, my 2 cents,” a different user noted.

Meanwhile, aside from having a beard, royal followers felt that Prince William would look best with a shaved head and beard. It’s no secret that the Windsors have the MPB (male pattern baldness) gene. Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry have all receding hairlines and some opined that Prince William should just go bald and grow his beard.

“Prince William looks good w/his new shaved do…I agree with the beard suggestion…then he would be most likely smashing !” a royal fan wrote.

“Yes beard & completely bald,” another stated.

Prince William experimented with a scruffy look in 2008. However, he grew it out just before he started pilot training with the Royal Air Force, because facial hair is not allowed there.

The Telegraph pointed out that Prince William grew his beard in an attempt to disguise his identity during the SBS mission. He was also following a family tradition since Prince Charles also grew facial hair while on Naval exercises in Alaska in 1975. But prior to commencing an 18-month training course as a search and rescue pilot, he had to shave it to qualify.

In related news, Prince William admitted that he lacks knowledge about farming, but he is willing to learn about it. The future king would be inheriting the Duchy of Cornwall estate from Prince Charles once he becomes the new Prince of Wales.

Prince William said that he knows a “tiny” amount but got the interest and passion. He also assured the farmers that he will continue what Prince Charles has started and will not rock the boat.

Prince William
Prince William attends the unveiling of The Victoria Cross Commemorative Paving Stones representing each of Birmingham's 1st World War recepients at the Hall of Memory, Centenary Square on Dec. 7, 2015 in Birmingham, England. Getty Images/Richard Stonehouse