Sony Corp said on Wednesday it has made available over 1 million public domain books on its electronic readers via Google Inc's Books project, which digitizes classic titles not protected by copyright.
Apple Inc and four record labels are working on a plan to increase digital sales of albums, while the computer maker is also separately developing a tablet-sized device, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.
Amazon's chief executive officer Jeff Bezos posted an apology message to customers over last week's remote-deletion of illegally sold books.
Plastic Logic plans to use AT&T Inc's 3G network as the wireless connection for the new electronic reader it plans to launch next year, the closely-held company said on Wednesday.
Barnes & Noble Inc unveiled on Monday what it called the world's largest online bookstore, taking on Inc with over 700,00 titles readable on devices such as Apple Inc's iPhone.
Yahoo Inc said it plans to introduce a major overhaul of its Internet home page on Tuesday. The new homepage blends Yahoo's collection of online content and products with popular social networking services like Facebook and Twitter.
Top U.S. bookseller Barnes & Noble Inc announced on Monday the launch of the world's largest online bookstore, with over 700,000 titles that can be read on a range of platforms from Apple's iPhone to personal computers.
Corrects sixth paragraph to reflect that Sony had earliest e-reader launch, not Amazon Inc has been sued by a user of its Kindle electronic reader who claims the device's cover, which is sold separately, can break the screen and make the device inoperable.
Online retailer has cut the price of its standard Kindle electronic reader by 17 percent to $299, the company said on Wednesday, the latest salvo in the war for digital readers.
Online retailer has cut the price of its standard Kindle electronic reader by 17 percent to $299, the company said on Wednesday, the latest salvo in the war for digital readers.
Amazon lowered the price of the popular Kindle 2 by $60 to $299 on Wednesday, just two months after it first introduced the e-reader into the market.
Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos on Monday defended the high price of the company's new widescreen Kindle DX e-book reader. just got company in the e-book market online.
Amazon announced the Kindle DX in early May and began accepting pre-orders which they should would be delivered sometime in the summer but now sites today on its website that the shipping date will be June 17.
Publishers are learning from music labels' struggle to make online music profitable and combat piracy, but so-called e-books will only add value to the industry and not replace printed books, experts say.
Taiwanese display maker Prime View International will buy E Ink, a company whose pioneering electronic paper is used to make digital book readers from and Sony.
You'd think the leaders of the world's biggest and coolest tech companies would be total gadget freaks, 'tricorder'-carrying whiz kids sporting the latest doodads months before the masses. Think again.
Newer technologies like electronic readers will never fully usurp demand for traditional books that offer the joy of leafing through pages on a beach, Italian publisher Mondadori's CEO said on Tuesday. Inc introduced a larger, souped-up Kindle electronic reader on Wednesday designed for students and newspaper readers, but a $489 price tag could make it too expensive for many consumers. Inc on Wednesday introduced a larger souped-up version of its Kindle electronic reader designed for students, academics and newspaper readers. Inc introduced on Wednesday a larger, souped-up version of its Kindle electronic reader designed for students, academics and newspaper readers, but its $489 price tag could cap sales.