Eleazar David Meléndez

571-600 (out of 592)

Occupy Wall Street Protests May Face Futuristic, 'Less-Than-Lethal' Weaponry

Occupy Wall Street protests are facing down the futuristic barrel of 'less-than-lethal' weaponry. As protests test police patience, crowds may see previously-unknown high-tech crowd control gear. What could the protesters face, as their “radical democracy of the future” meets the radical crowd control of the future?

Bank of America Debit Card Fee Inspires Anti-bank Rhetoric

When Bank of America announced last week that it would begin charging a $5 monthly fee to customers using their debit cards at retail locations, it understandably caused a fair amount of complaining from consumers, a fact that was noted across the board by various media sources Friday. But it also inspired a wave of anger against banks in general.
