Immigration Reform 2013: Do House Republicans Have A Leadership Problem?
Speaker Boehner is having a hard time selling members on seeing the big picture on immigration instead of short-term politics.
Illinois Pension Reform: Lawmakers To Lose Pay For Inaction On Crisis
Gov. Quinn suspends Illinois legislators' paychecks until there is a pension reform solution.
Looming Debt Ceiling, Budget Talks Could Help Kill 2013 Immigration Reform
The debt ceiling debate's comeback around October will pressure House Republicans to prioritize, leaving immigration reform aside.
Immigration Reform 2013: Speaker Boehner's Choices Are Really Limited
Boehner can either back a pathway to citizenship, ensuring his party's survival, or do nothing to stop its electoral downtrend.
2013 Sequester Cuts Reach The Pentagon's Civilian Employees
The sequestration affects every military department except civilians in combat zones and those protecting life and property.
A 2013 Immigration Reform Bill Doesn't Top House Priorities For July
The House may consider voting on border security bills, but remains focused on energy and student loans -- and even the IRS and Benghazi.
Senate's 2013 Immigration Reform Bill Could Cut Illegal Entry By 50%, CBO
A border surge amendment that saved the 2013 immigration bill would keep more immigrants out.
Rush Limbaugh To House Republicans: Immigration Reform Won't Be Why You Could Lose In 2014
The talk radio host says House Republicans are losing sight of one issue that could really win them elections.
Here's Why House Republicans Are In No Rush On A 2013 Immigration Reform Bill
A comprehensive immigration reform bill got an overwhelming vote in the Senate. And most likely, it will stay there.
Immigration Reform 2013: Democrats Want Comprehensive Bill Instead Of House's 'Deal-Breaker' Piecemeal Approach
Immigration reform passed in the Senate may not fare as well in the House, where the two parties could not be more at odds.
Immigration Reform News: Tea Party Group Demands Stand-Alone Border Security Bill From Boehner
A Cincinnati tea party group wants an immigration border security bill "that has verification by local sheriffs."
Immigration Reform 2013: Rubio Could Steal Half Of Obama’s Latino Voters In 2016, Says Poll
The Florida Republican's work on the 2013 immigration reform bill could make half of Obama's Latino supporters change sides.
What Passing An Immigration Reform Bill Means For Marco Rubio
The Florida Republican is betting that the immigration reform he supported will help him in 2016. Here's why he may be right -- or not.
Senate Passes 2013 Immigration Reform Bill, 68-32
The legislation, which includes more than 1,000 pages, was written by four Democratic and four Republican senators.
Immigration Reform 2013: Senate Ends Debate, Final Vote To Come
Fourteen Republicans joined Democrats to invoke cloture on the 2013 immigration reform bill. A final vote could come at 4 p.m. today.
Immigration Reform Bill 2013: E-Verify Drives Wedge Between Portman And 'Gang of Eight'
The GOP senator says the Senate must show the House it can insert tough measures in the immigration bill.
Why The House Doesn’t Have To Pass A 2013 Immigration Reform Bill
A Republican dilemma: The GOP must support immigration reform to win over Latinos. But House members are facing elections in 2014.
Immigration Reform 2013: Senate Approves Border Surge Bill, 69-29
The Senate is now close to approving comprehensive immigration reform, after passing the border surge amendment Wed.
Scotus Prop 8 Decision: Same-Sex Marriage Remains Legal In California
Same-sex marriage remains legal in California, as the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday decided it cannot take up California's Proposition 8.
Penny Pritzker Confirmed As Commerce Secretary After Senate Approves 97-1
The full U.S. Senate confirmed Obama's choice as Commerce secretary.
SCOTUS Voting Rights Act Decision: Justices Strike Down Key Section
The Justices said Congress must determine which states and localities may need closer monitoring of their elections.
Immigration Reform 2013: Senate Passes Hoeven-Corker Border Surge Bill, 67-27
An amendment to the immigration bill that would beef up security along the southern border has passed a key Senate test, 67-27.
Jan Brewer On Immigration Reform Bill: ‘I Only Support The Border Surge’
The Arizona governor said she is not endorsing the Senate's immigration reform bill but the border surge is a victory for her state.
Senate’s 2013 Immigration Reform Bill Gets Another Boost From Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer
In supporting the immigration reform bill, the Republican governor says it's about time senators started talking about "the border surge."
SCOTUS Affirmative Action: Case Sent Back To Lower Court
The decision came after a 7-1 vote.
Immigration Reform 2013: Drones Are Costly Border Security Tools With Few Results To Show
An amendment to the immigration reform bill calls for more drones, but the U.S. might not get the most for its dollars.
Immigration Reform Bill: Dreamers, Agriculture Workers Exempt Under Hoeven-Corker Border Security Amendment
Under the Hoeven-Corker border security amendment to the U.S. immigration reform bill, DREAMers and agriculture workers need not worry.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Senate Kills Cornyn Amendment
The Senate votes 54-43 to reject Cornyn's border security amendment.
Immigration Reform 2013: Senators Close To 'Overkill' Border Security Amendment
Tennessee's Corker says the border surge amendment to the immigration bill being worked on is being vetted by both sides to ensure support.
Some Conservatives Welcome CBO's Immigration Reform Bill Score
Sen. Marco Rubio and anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist call the CBO's score of the immigration reform bill evidence it's an economic winner.