Immigration Reform 2013: Evangelical Coalition Makes Big Ad Buy To Counter Opponents Of Reform
The Evangelical Immigration Table is aiming ads at Christians, telling them to think biblically about helping their fellow humans.
Immigration Reform 2013: US House Judiciary Chairman Says Mexicans Are Exploiting Asylum Loophole
Thousands of immigrants are applying for asylum by falsely claiming "credible fear" concerns, according to a prominent Republican.
Impeach Obama: Republicans Still Want It To Happen. The Latest Is Kerry Bentivolio
The Michigan congressman says he has approached lawyers about impeaching the president. Trouble is, he has no evidence.
Birth Certificate Issue Aside, Ted Cruz Returns To Regular Business: Defunding Obamacare
The GOP senator will be in Texas this week to explain to constituents: This is the "last best chance" to defund the health care law.
Defund Obamacare: Heritage’s Jim DeMint Says Republicans Not On Board Should Be Replaced
The former senator hasn't lost any of his radical, Tea Party views after leaving the senate for a conservative think tank.
Ted Cruz Renouncing Canadian Citizenship: ‘Nothing Against Canada But I’m American By Birth’
The Republican senator said he was told as a youth that he could choose Canadian or American citizenship, so he went for the U.S.
Ted Cruz Birth Certificate: Is The Tea Party Senator's Canadian Birth A Problem?
The Tea Party darling was born in Canada, which means he's got Canadian citizenship. That may spell trouble for a presidential run.
Obama Approval Rating: It's Never Been Good During Summer Months, According To Gallup
Obama's approval rating among Americans has tended to decline during summer months -- like some other recent presidents.
RNC Votes To Boycott CNN, NBC But Experts Say Republicans Would Suffer Instead
The Republican Party is mad at the networks for producing Hillary Clinton documentaries. The backlash is wrongheaded, experts say.
Immigration Reform 2013: DREAMers Call On Obama To Expand Deferred Action To Undocumented
Undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children got a reprieve. Now they want Obama to expand the program to everybody.
Immigration Reform 2013: New Orleans Sheriff Agrees To Reject ICE Detention Requests
A New Orleans sheriff will keep federal agents who want to verify the immigration status of inmates out of his jail.
Republicans Still Want To Defund Obamacare, But Still Don’t Have The Votes
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio says Republicans have "got a lot more convincing to do" about defunding Obamacare.
Government Shutdown In 2014? Obama Says Republicans Will Regain Common Sense
A government shutdown when the economy is picking up is 'a bad idea,' says the president.
2013 Immigration Reform: Obama Stays Mum On Use Of Executive Action
Obama is yet to say if he will use executive action, but noted the Senate bill addresses and improves many of the opposition's concerns.
Immigration Reform 2013: ‘Deporter In Chief’ Obama Shouldn’t Seek Political Advantage From Gridlock, Advocate Says
U.S. immigration reform advocates insist that President Obama needs to do more to break the policy gridlock in Congress.
Immigration Reform 2013: Advocates Call On Obama To Use Executive Action
Frustrated with Congress' foot-dragging, immigration advocates call on the president to suspend deportation and expand "deferred action."
Immigration Reform 2013: Manufacturers To Run Ads In Several States
The National Association of Manufacturers says the August congressional recess is the perfect time for making the case for reform.
Big Spender Cory Booker Has Huge Double-Digit Lead In Senate Race
If polls are any indication, Newark Mayor Cory Booker's big spending is likely to pay off.
RNC Pushes 'Liberal Media Loves Hillary' Petition To Force CNN, NBC To Abandon Clinton Programs
'Hillary 2016' currently is only speculation, but the GOP has already amped-up against her -- by hitting the national television networks.
Immigration Reform 2013: GOP Still Mum Whether It Will Consider Path To Citizenship
The only thing House Republicans appear to know at this time is that leadership won't take up the Senate bill on immigration.
Student Loan Debt Crisis: A New Nonprofit 13th Avenue Wants An America Without College Loans
Only a few years old, the nonprofit 13th Avenue has a plan to send a million Americans to school debt-free.
House Votes 232-185 To Prevent IRS’ Enforcement Of Obamacare
The 40th vote on Obamacare is the last vote before Congress heads out for August recess.
Obama Tells Dems No Negotiation On Debt Ceiling, No Special Treatment For Pentagon
Obama revealed his game plan to congressional Democrats in a meeting on Wednesday.
Obama’s New Corporate Tax Grand Bargain May Be No Deal After All
The president plans to push a corporate tax overhaul to break the logjam, but Republicans ask: What about individuals and small businesses?
Immigration Reform 2013: Top GOP Donors Urge Republican Lawmakers Against Standing In The Way Of Reform
People who wield influence in Republican circles think immigration reform should follow along the lines of what the Senate has already done.
52% Would Support Law Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage In 50 States
After scoring a big victory against DOMA, supporters of same-sex marriages are winning over most Americans.
Rubio: Let Obama Choose Between A Government Shutdown And Defunding Obamacare
The Florida senator wants the president to face an impossible dilemma: keep the government open by defunding his signature reform.
Not All Republicans Want To Force A Government Shutdown Over Obamacare
Some fear a backlash while others think shutting down the government over Obamacare is the “dumbest thing” they've ever heard.
Short On Time, Republicans Could Tackle Debt Ceiling Crisis With Continuing Resolution
When they return from August recess, Republicans will have just 9 legislative days to figure out a plan to fund the U.S. government.
How Do Republicans Plan To Attack Obamacare?
Republicans have failed dozens of times at repealing the health care law. What is their last-ditch, all-out effort?