Debt Ceiling 2013: House Republicans Do Not Have Votes For Their Plan, Says Pelosi
The minority leader says House Republicans are trying to sabotage the Senate's progress regarding a fiscal plan and debt ceiling increase.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Boehner Says House Hasn't Decided On Next Move
The talks with House members continue, with the speaker adding a decision regarding how to move forward will occur Tuesday.
Debt Ceiling 2013: House Republicans To Push A Plan Of Their Own
The House GOP isn't waiting for a bipartisan Senate deal: its plan seeks more changes to Obamacare.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Senators Close To A Deal That Includes Ending Shutdown
Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell are getting closer, multiple sources are reporting.
Debt Ceiling 2013: 'Start Going After Ted Cruz By Name,' Says Peter King, A Republican
The New York congressman is concerned the Texas senator could lead the party again to an untenable situation, and he's being vocal about it.
Immigration Reform 2013: Activists Attempt To Shut Down ICE Deportations
After forcing a federal court to temporarily suspend deportations last week, Arizona activists ratchet up the protest.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Reid Offers McConnell A Deal
Senate Majority Leader McConnell is reportedly looking over his Democratic counterpart's proposal at this very moment.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Could Boehner Lose His Speakership?
A united Republican Party (at least for now) isn't even talking about ousting Boehner as speaker.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Republicans Admit To Initially Overreaching; Senate Sought For Solution
All eyes are on the Senate as Oct. 17 draws closer. Some Republicans now say they overreached at first.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Obama Likes Republicans’ ‘Constructive Approach’ But Still Has Concerns
The White House and the GOP are now talking with each other, but neither side is calling it a negotiation.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Another Day, And No Deal
However, despite not having an agreement with the White House yet, Senate Republicans say lawmakers are working on a bipartisan deal.
Immigration Reform 2013: Activists Block Arizona Courthouse, Deportation Bus [LIVE STREAM]
Arizona pro-immigration activists up the stakes by fighting deportation with physical means.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Obama-Republicans Round Two; How To End Shutdown Now Sticking Point
Republicans have floated a short-term debt ceiling increase. But it could be moot. Here's why.
Government Shutdown 2013: Boehner, McConnell Score Worst Net Favorable Ratings In Gallup Poll
The GOP isn't looking too good to Americans right now. They especially don't approve of Speaker John Boehner.
2013 Immigration Reform: Another Casualty Of Government Shutdown?
Immigration reform has been dormant for a while, but some opponents say that's not because of Washington's fiscal battles.
Debt Ceiling 2103: House GOP Proposes Short-Term Increase, To Talk Government Shutdown Later
Republicans say they met Obama halfway, and that the short-term plan will give them time to have the conversation they want.
Debt Ceiling 2013: 8 Scariest (And Funniest) Default Quotes
Some say a U.S. default on the debt is a rumor. Others don't want to find out what will happen after the Oct. 17 debt ceiling deadline.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Obama Refuses To 'Make Extortion A Routine Part Of Our Democracy'
The president says he and Democrats are ready to talk, but not before the government shutdown ends and default threats subside.
Debt Ceiling 2013: Senate Plans Clean Bill; Some Republicans Skeptical Of Debt Ceiling Debacle
The U.S. government shutdown is now merging with the debt ceiling deadline crisis -- and both sides are formulating strategies.
Government Shutdown 2013: Red States Are Most Affected
A prolonged government shutdown would disproportionately affect states that go Republican, according to WalletHub.
Schumer: Boehner Will Cave, Once Closer To Debt Limit Deadline
The New York senator says the Tea Party has been planning the shutdown for about a year, with Boehner's approval.
Government Shutdown Continues; Boehner Says Default Is The ‘Path We’re On’
The speaker of the house says he doesn't want a default, but adds that things are headed that way.
Government Shutdown: Twitter Mocks Boehner For Saying Impasse ‘Isn’t Some Damn Game’
Some people on Twitter just aren't taking the Speaker of the House seriously.
Government Shutdown: ‘This Isn’t Some Damn Game,’ Says Boehner
The speaker said all Republicans are demanding is a sit-down to work out differences with Democrats so that the government can reopen.
Democrat Wendy Davis Announces Plan To Run For Texas Governor
It's an uphill climb for Davis, as Texas hasn't elected a Democratic governor since 1990.
Crazy Reasons Republicans Give For Not Ending The Government Shutdown
Hint: It's all about respect. Or something. Another GOP lawmaker mused he's assuming there's a plan here.
Obama To Republicans: Only Way Out Of This Government Shutdown Is To 'Call A Vote'
The president Thursday will make his case to the American people, starting with small businesses.
Government Shutdown: Obama To Meet With Congressional Leaders, Little Expected
The White House says the president would not negotiate on Obamacare. As a result, little change is expected.
Government Shutdown News: These Republicans Want A Clean Continuing Resolution
A clean continuing resolution would immediately end the government shutdown, but it will take some Republican buy-in to join with House Democrats.
Government Shutdown 2013: House Rules Committee Mulls Strategy For Failed Piecemeal Bills
Democrats are rejecting House bills that would end the shutdown by opening only selected government agencies.