Charles And David Who? Majority Of Americans Have Never Heard Of The Koch Brothers
Most Americans don't know who the Koch Brothers are, and few have a favorable impression of them.
Midterms 2014: Nate Silver Predicts Republicans Could Be Back In Charge Of Senate
Arguably the best election analyst of the early postmodern era says the data points to a slight GOP gain, but things could change.
Immigration Reform Advocates To Obama: What Happened To 'Year Of Action?'
Obama's call for a deportation policy review is unnecessary to some advocates, who are still waiting for him to act unilaterally to stop deportations.
Obamacare Deadline: Biden’s Guilt-Trip Plan For Young People Enrollment
With the March 31 deadline approaching, the White House is making a last-ditch effort to increase Obamacare enrollment.
Obama On Women's Rights: 'I Want My Daughters To Have The Same Chances As Men'
Before the first White House Summit on Working families, the president urges Congress to pass the minimum-wage increase to help low-income women.
Nancy Pelosi Is Not Happy To Hear The Term 'Obamacare'
President Obama has used the word "Obamacare" before. But when a reporter said it on Thursday, Nancy Pelosi had to shut it down.
Kansas House Bill Aims To Prevent Anonymous Complaints Against Police
Kansas lawmakers want sworn affidavits from citizens filing law enforcement complaints and criminal charges if reports prove unfounded.
Midterm Elections 2014: DNC, RNC Battle It Out In Messaging And Twitter
Republicans predict a "tsunami-type election" this fall. But Democrats think the biggest weapon they have is the Republican party itself.
Targeting The 100 Percent: RNC Launches New Ads Focusing On Women, Minority Outreach
The Republican National Committee released ads spotlighting women and minorities, the majority of whom currently support Democrats.
Majority Of Americans Say The Healthcare System Isn't In A Crisis
Obamacare's website rollout was very poor, but American attitudes on the system overall may surprise you.
Immigration Reform: 'You Shall Fill 34,000 Beds,' Lawmaker Tells DHS Secretary
The proposed DHS budget cuts immigrant detention beds. House Republicans sent Secretary Johnson back with a message: Enforce the law.
Michele Bachmann: Gays Bully Americans, Intimidate Politicians
The Minnesota Republican, still reeling from Arizona's anti-gay bill defeat, is really annoyed with the gay community.
Obamacare Bringing Uninsured Rate Down: Gallup
What's more, open enrollment doesn't end until March 31, so the U.S. health care uninsured rate may fall further.
Immigration Reform: Donald Trump Warns CPAC 2014 Crowd, ‘Be Careful’ About Immigration
The tycoon went for fear-mongering, even though experts from all sides have found no evidence that immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans.
CPAC2014: ‘IRS Is A Weapon,’ ‘Dishonest Media Is America’s Greatest Threat,’ Says NRA’s Wayne LaPierre
The NRA leader says the media "hates" his organization, but gun owners will never "submit nor surrender."
Chris Christie CPAC 2014: Conservative Ideas Are Better, So Let's Show Them
The New Jersey governor tells conservatives that to stop looking like obstructionists, they need to start talking about what they support.
Obama Proposes Cybersecurity Campus To Get Tough On Digital Criminals
The president's budget proposes pouring billions into Homeland Security and other agencies to support cyber initiatives.
Immigration Reform: Obama Proposes Bed Mandate Reduction, Keeps Program That Deputizes Local And State Law Enforcement
Among the new ideas - a bed mandate reduction and keeping a program to deputize local and state law enforcement in the immigration process.
Obama Fiscal 2015 Budget: 'A Campaign Brochure,' Says Ryan
The House Budget chairman isn't impressed with the president's proposal, to say the least.
Obama Budget 2015: Sticking To Priorities While Making Democrats' Political Message Clear
In an election year, it's all about messaging, and Obama has quite a few for Republicans in his proposed 2015 budget.
Critics Say Chuck Hagel Is Throwing Away $1B, Giving Troops 'Mediocre' Air Support By Retiring A-10
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel wants to kill the slow, 40-year old plane, but its fans say it does the job better than anything else.
Texas The New Battleground State? Only If Eligible Hispanic Voters Turn Out More
Texas could be in-play, like Florida, immigration advocates found, but only if Latino voters head to the polls.
Boehner's Thoughts On Dave Camp's Tax Reform: A Conversation Starter
Reforming the tax code is hard, says John Boehner, who wouldn't endorse his own caucus member's overhaul proposal.
Dave Camp's Tax Reform Gets Thumbs Up From Some Businesses
A Republican congressman has an idea for tax reform that went over well with businesses. But it may be a nonstarter in Congress.
Republicans Still Looking For Ways To Cut Obama's Alleged Executive Overreach
Republicans want to hit Obama where it hurts: his use of executive power on Obamacare and immigration. But it's unclear whether he overstepped.
House Judiciary Seeks Legislative Ways To Get Obama To 'Faithfully' Execute The Laws
Obama recently declared that he will be using more executive action if Congress stalls his agenda.
Cracking Under Pressure? Chris Mapp, Texas Senate Candidate, Defends Using 'Wetbacks' But Hates The Backlash
Mapp, a businessman, says he's plainspoken, and if Texans can't handle it then he's probably not the guy for them.
The Pentagon Is About To Undergo These Major Budget Cuts
Defense Secretary Hagel says the U.S. will still be protected but the military will face some gaps in training and maintenance.
Obama Seeks Economic Allies In National Governors
Still threatening to use his executive power sans action from Congress, Obama tells state executives he's ready to work with them on economic issues.
Treating Tobacco Like Alcohol, Utah And Colorado Move To Make Smoking Age 21
It's the farthest these states have gone to prevent teens from picking up the hard-to-kick habit.