Doomsday Comet Elenin Passes by Earth Sunday Mostly Unnoticed
Comet Elenin, an icy comet described by some as a 'Doomsday Comet' and the latest to swing by our inner solar system, closely passed by Earth early Sunday. It was estimated that Elenin would pass about 22 million miles (35 million kilometres) from Earth.
California Celebrates Steve Jobs Day: His 10 Most Inspiring Quotes
Steve Jobs death will affect many for a long time and many will want to cherish his memories and most inspiring quotes forever. The former Apple CEO and co-founder is held as a visionary in his home state California and Silicon Valley luminaries will celebrate Steve Jobs Day, a special - and private - memorial service on Sunday.
Taylor Swift Blows Usher Away With Hip-Hop Swagger [VIDEOS]
Country music star Taylor Swift has left a lasting impression on R&B singer Usher who said he was impressed with her hip hop swag.
Steven Seagal to Work in Border Patrol
Action film star Steven Seagal was sworn in last week as a deputy with the sheriff's office in Hudspeth County, Texas, where he will help patrol the U.S.-Mexico border.
Gap Closing 189 Locations in the U.S., Expanding in China
Gap Inc. -- parent of the Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic retail chains -- announced Thursday it will be closing 189 Gap locations in the United States by the end of 2013.
Lady Gaga Wins Injunction Against Lady Goo Goo
Lady Gaga won an injunction at London's High Court on Monday to stop Lady Goo Goo, an animated character from releasing a single.
Scarlett Johansson Leaked Photo 2011 Hacker 'Addicted' to Star Spying [VIDEO]
Christopher Chaney, the man suspected of leaking Scarlett Johansson's nude photos, has not only been spying on Johansson since earlier than 2011, but he also said he is addicted to seeing [the] behind-the-scenes of what was happening in celebrities' lives.
Smoking Marijuana, Getting Behind the Wheel Nearly Triple Crash Risk
Drivers who smoked marijuana and then got behind the wheel of a vehicle nearly tripled the risk of crashing when compared to others not under the influence, a new study from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health finds.
50 Cent Tweets That he Won't Pray for Rick Ross, But Doesn't Wish Death
Hip Hop star Rick Ross reportedly suffered multiple seizures within six hours on Friday — forcing his planes to divert — and he was hospitalized in Alabama, according to media reports. The medical scare prompted many celebrities, including his hip hop fued 50 cent, to comment.
Alex Torres, Hope Howell Skydiving Video Grabs Howard Stern's Attention [VIDEO]
Alex Torres' skydiving sex video with receptionist Hope Howell has reportedly grabbed the attention of radio talk show host Howard Stern. Howell, 20, told 23ABC on Friday that the video, which made international headlines when it was posted on the Internet, has also led to a negotiation between the video's stars and Stern.
New Name Needed for Famous VLA Radio Telescope in New Mexico
If you've ever watched the movies Contact, Independence Day, Armageddon and Transformers: Dark of the Moon then you've probably seen the famous Very Large Array (VLA), a bank of radio telescopes in New Mexico. The array has undergone an upgrade of its electronics since 2001 and now it needs a new name.
NYPD Officer Knocks Out Occupy Wall Street Protester Over a Look [VIDEO]
A video allegedly showing a New York Police Department officer striking a male Occupy Wall Street protester in the face and knocking him out is making the rounds on YouTube.
Minka Kelly Talks 'Charlie's Angels' Cancellation Over Twitter
Minka Kelly tweeted about the news of Charlie's Angels cancellation on Friday.
100,000-Year-Old Art Studio in South African Cave May be World’s Earliest
Archaeologists discovered a 100,000-year-old workshop in Blombos Cave in South Africa that may have been the world's earliest artist's studio.
5 Tips for Setting up Apple iCloud’s Find My iPhone App
Apple is making it easier for its smartphone users to locate their iPhones and other missing iOS devices through the Find My iPhone app. On Wednesday, Apple rolled out a new version of its operating system, iOS 5, along with iCloud and Mac OS X 10.7.2.
Katie Halchishick's Features Surgically Outlined to Look Like Barbie's
Every girl owned a Barbie at some point growing up, and there are some who try to look like the anatomically impossible doll. In the latest issue of O Magazine model Katie Halchishick's features were surgically outlined to according to a Barbie doll's proportions.
Alex Torres Skydiving Video With Hope Howell Sparks FAA Probe [VIDEO]
Alex Torres' sex video stunt over California with receptionist Hope Howell will be investigated by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Nexus Prime: Ice Cream Sandwich Android Statue Set up at Google Android HQ [VIDEO]
Something tells me the unveiling of Google and Samsung Galaxy Nexus, also known as the Nexus Prime, is very near, as Ice Cream Sandwich Android Statues are already set up at Google's Android headquarters. Android developers posted a YouTube video of the statues being set up on Oct. 13 on their YouTube channel. The video description states that at 10 a.m. on Oct. 19 (Hong Kong time) the next Google operating system will be unveiled.
U.S. Troops to Help Hunt Lord's Resistance Army Leader Joseph Kony
U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered that approximately 100 American troops be dispatched to central Africa to help hunt down and find the Lord's Resistance Army's notorious leader Joseph Kony.
5 Cheap Apple iPhone Apps You Should Get
Apple finally released its highly anticipated iPhone 4S on Oct. 14, which comes with its new iOS 5 operating system and some 200 new features. The iPhone 4S also includes Siri voice control, Reminders and more.
iOS 5's iMessage to Cause Another RIM BlackBerry Outage?
Apple's release of the iOS 5 couldn't have been at a more perfect time when RIM BlackBerry is having major outage problems. And with the new iMessage feature on iOS5 RIM could take another hit.
NASA’s Dawn Spacecraft Spots Asteroid Mountain 3 Times Everest [PHOTO]
NASA has released a new image from its Dawn spacecraft, which shows a mountain three times as high as Mount Everest in the south polar region of the giant asteroid Vesta. Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth above sea level.
iPhone 4S In-store Sale Arrives: 8 Places to Snag One on Launch Day
Apple iPhone 4S is being sold in stores on Friday. iPhone users have been anticipating the arrival of the iPhone 4S, so much so that pre-orders for the new smartphone sold out ahead of the store launch, according to AT&T, Verizon and Sprint's Web sites.
Tyrannosaurus Rex Was 30 Percent Bigger, Much Hungrier Than Thought, Study
The already monstrous Tyrannosaurus Rex is believed to be 30 percent bigger and was much hungrier than previously thought, a new study shows.
Ex-Wife's Attorney Saw No Indication Scott Dekraai Was Violent
Southern California shooting suspect Scott Dekraai, 42, allegedly shot his ex-wife Michelle Fournier Dekraai and several others on Wednesday at a Seal Beach hair salon where she is employed. But an attorney for the ex-wife said he didn't see any indication of violence from the suspect.
Gunman Kills 8, Critically Injures 1 in California Salon Shooting
A lone gunman killed 8 people and injured another on Wednesday in a Seal Beach Salon shooting that is considered the deadliest in Orange County, Calif. He later got into a truck and drove away from Salon Meritage after he opened fire and caused the brutal killing.
Scientists Map Black Death Bacteria from DNA Found in Medieval Teeth
Scientists have managed to map the entire DNA of the Black Death's bubonic plague from the teeth of four 650-year-old skeletons, the remains of victims buried in London's plague pits.
Is Apple Exploring ‘iPad Mini’ as an Option to Battle Amazon Kindle Fire? Report
The Apple rumor mill has started buzzing again, but this time talks are that the iPhone maker is looking to bring some stiff competition to Amazon Kindle Fire with a low-cost device allegedly to be called iPad mini.
7 Popular Apple iOS 5 Features That You Should Know About
Searching for iOS 5 release date on your iPhone 4S or iPad? Well search more. It has already arrived. Apple released its iOS 5 on Wednesday, reinventing its operating system with some 200 new features. Back in June, former CEO Steve Jobs announced the iCloud, which is a synchronization service Apple created to store messages, music and more, on the company's servers in the cloud on the Internet.
What's Inside Christopher Chaney's Indictment? [FULL TEXT]
Christopher Chaney, the 35-year-old man suspected of hacking Scarlett Johansson's nude photographs in September, was indicted on Wednesday on 26 counts of computer hacking, aggravated identity theft and illegal wiretapping.