Laura Matthews

2011-2040 (out of 2858)

Laura is a U.S. politics reporter for the International Business Times. She was always fascinated by the BBC World News each morning on the radio in Jamaica. That, and a love for writing led her to a masters in journalism from Columbia University and a bachelors in media and communication from the University of the West Indies, Mona. She has worked for Gannett's Pacific Daily News in Guam, the Jamaica Observer, the Jamaica Gleaner, the Nassau Guardian in the Bahamas and Choices magazine for whom she ghost wrote the guidebook Help Your Child With Career Choice.

Laura Matthews

Senate Kills Obama's Jobs Bill, Fails to Get 60 Votes

U.S. President Barack Obama's $447 billion jobs bill was knocked down by the Democrat-controlled Senate on Tuesday, as it received 51 votes but fell short of the necessary 60 votes needed to kill the Republican filibuster.

Steve Jobs Dead: Never-Before-Seen Tribute to the Apple CEO On His 30th Birthday [VIDEO]

A never-before-seen video tribute to Apple's former CEO Steve Jobs for his 30th birthday was uploaded to YouTube on Oct. 6, one day after he died. The video tribute, reportedly created by his Apple coworkers, was done long before there was the iPhone 4S (or any iPhone for that matter), before the iPod and also before there was an iPad. At the time there was the Macintosh computer, which revolutionized personal computing.
