Scientists Turn Brain Images Into YouTube Videos [VIDEO]
Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, believe they are on their way to learning, and possibly seeing, what exactly is going on in the human mind through advancements in brain imaging.
Hair Shows Aborigine Ancestors Were First Out of Africa [VIDEO]
A 100-year-old Aborigine lock of hair is leading scientists to rewrite the history of human migration out of Africa as we know it.
Top 5 Biggest Temper Tantrums from Players in Soccer Games [VIDEOS]
For this article we will take a look back at some of the biggest moments of temper tantrums from the players in the game of soccer.
Scientists Look to Indian Ocean for Long-Range Weather Forecast
Scientists from 16 countries will converge in the Indian Ocean next month and pool their resources to conduct a six-month field study on how tropical weather developed in that ocean affects weather patterns in other parts of the world.
Self-reported Mental Health Disabilities on the Rise in the U.S.
According to research from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health the number of self-reported mental health disabilities was 2 percent between 1997 and 1999. That figure increased to 2.7 percent between 2007 and 2009, which researchers say is almost nearly two million disabled adults.
13-Year-Old Jefferson County Girl Suspected of Attempted Murder, Arson
A 13-year-old Jefferson County girl is facing attempted murder and arson charges in connection with a series of fires in the area that authorities believe was meant to kill her family.
A Lock of Australian Aborigine Hair Unravels Details of Human Migration [VIDEO & PHOTOS]
When an Aboriginal man from Western Australia gave a lock of his hair to a British anthropologist in the early 20th century, it opened up a way for researchers to piece together his genome.
Steven Powell Arrested on Child Porn Charges
Police arrested Steven Powell, the father-in-law of missing Utah mom Susan Powell, on Thursday on a warrant charging him with voyeurism and child pornography.
Brain Imaging Experiment Paves Way for Understanding the Minds of Coma Victims
Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, say they have made a breakthrough in brain imaging that may one day enable victims of coma, strokes and other neurodegenerative disease to communicate what's in their mind.
Troy Davis’ Supporters Ask Why Casey Anthony, Charles Manson Still Alive [PHOTOS]
Davis was pronounced dead at 11:08 p.m. on Wednesday after Georgia officials executed him by lethal injection. He was put to death for the 1989 murder of police officer Mark MacPhail, and convicted in 1991.
Troy Davis’ Story and Other Controversial Death Row Cases [PHOTOS]
Troy Davis' case isn't the only controversial one that the U.S. has seen. Here are a few other recent and old cases that have been reported in the media over the years.
Miss Universe Organizers, Miss Angola Leila Lopes Deny False Document Claims [PHOTOS]
Lopes was caught in a scandal claiming she used false documents to help her advance to win the competition. However, since the rumors surfaced, they were quickly shut down during an interview on a Spanish show called Al Rojo Vivo.
Jamaican Drug Lord Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke Asks Judge for Leniency
A judge received a seven-page letter from Jamaican drug lord Christopher 'Dudus' Coke asking for leniency after pleading guilty to racketeering and assault charges in August.
Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes Responds to Fraud Allegations [PHOTOS]
About a week after being crowned Miss Universe 2011, Miss Angola Leila Lopes found herself caught up in fraud allegations that threatened to end her reign. However, the woman crowned the most beautiful in the world has broken her silence.
David Beckham Not Dead, Just a False Twitter Rumor [PHOTOS]
Beckham didn't die in a car crash, and the false death reports about the soccer star have angered his fans.
NASA Learns More About a Black Hole’s Jet Through Infrared Observation [PHOTO]
NASA astronomers were able to get a closer look at the inner environment nearing the base of a black hole's jet through infrared observation. By using the agency's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) astronomers captured some rare data of a flaring black hole, illuminating new details about these powerful stellar-mass black holes and their raging jets.
Examining the Troy Davis Case: Is there Too Much Doubt? [VIDEOS]
Most people never see death coming, but that is not the case for Troy Davis. The Georgia death row inmate knew for years, since 1991 to be exact, that he was going to die. The only question was, when?
R.E.M. Band Members Talk About Breakup
After 31 years and 15 albums together, the members of R.E.M. decided to call it a day and break up.
Did the Michael Stipe Tumblr Video Lead to R.E.M. Split?
The news of R.E.M.'s split on Wednesday came on the heels of lead singer Michael Stipe's nude Tumblr video scandal that recently made its way online.
New York Mom Allegedly Abducts Her 8 Kids from Foster Facility: Police
New York police are on the lookout for a 28-year-old Manhattan mom who abducted her eight children from a foster-care facility. Police say Shanel Nadal took the children without permission from the agency. She was visiting her children at the Forestdale agency in Queens when she took them. The ages of the child range from 11 months to 11 years old, according to reports.
Around the Earth in 60 Seconds on the International Space Station [VIDEO]
Ever wondered what it would be like soaring high above the Earth, or even circling the planet on the International Space Station? Thanks to science educator James Drake, you're in luck.
Could Higgs Boson Explain Evolution of the Universe?
The race is still on for CERN scientists to identify the elusive Higgs Boson, which is considered the Holy Grail of particle physics. Scientists say this 'God' particle would also help to explain why the majority of elementary particles have mass, and that the universe wouldn't be the same without it.
Florida Mom Gives Birth to Twins from Two Uteruses [PHOTOS]
A Florida woman with a rare medical condition has given birth to healthy twins - one from each of her two uteruses.
Supreme Court Blocks Second Texas Execution in a Week
While Georgia officials are planning to execute death row inmate Troy Davis for a 1989 murder, the U.S. Supreme Court for the second time this week granted a stay of execution in a Texas case involving an Army recruiter convicted of raping and killing a woman he met at a bar.
How Were Scarlett Johansson's Nude Photos Hacked?
When Scarlett Johansson's nude photos hit the Web last week she made headlines. Reports are that the photos were stolen from her cellular phone and then leaked onto the Internet.
Troy Davis Seeks Polygraph Test in 11th-Hour Fight for Life
An attorney for Georgia death row inmate Troy Davis said Tuesday he has asked prison officials and the pardons board to let Davis take a polygraph test before his scheduled execution.
Troy Davis Dies Wednesday, Death Row Inmate Denied Clemency [VIDEO]
The board was the only thing standing between Davis, 42, and execution. It convened on Monday to hear hours of testimonies from supporters and prosecutors.
iPhone 5's Rumored List of Features, Specifications: Report
With no official announcement on the fifth generation of iPhone many don't know what to expect. But based on the talks, we do know that Apple will be releasing either a new iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S in October.
iPhone 4S, iPad 3 to Ship Late October, No Word on iPhone 5 Release Date: Report
There have been reports that the iPhone 4S, which is based on the iPhone 4 (CDMA), as well as the new iPad will come out at the same time - late October.
Look Out Facebook, Google+ Project Goes Public With 9 New Features [VIDEOS]
Search engine giant Google launched the Google+ project to the public on Tuesday after it has been an invite-only service for the past three months.