Republicans Quickly, Pointedly Voice Displeasure After Health Care Ruling

It didn't take long for Republicans to express their outrage after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Obama administration's health care overhaul law on Thursday.
In what can only be symbolic move to voice their displeasure, House Republican leaders announced their intention to repeal the nation's health care law less than two hours after the Supreme Court, in a 5 to 4 decision, ruled the legislation is constitutional.
The House will once again vote to repeal ObamaCare, House Minority leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said in a tweet at around noon EDT Thursday. Cantor said the vote has been scheduled for July 11.
It is extremely unlikely the repeal vote will get any real traction, since the Democratic-controlled Senate will almost certainly reject the motion if it advanced.
House Republicans already voted to get rid of the law in one of their first acts after taking the majority in 2011.
Republicans -- who may have been thrown off after Chief Justice Roberts, a conservative appointed by President George W. Bush, was ultimately the deciding vote on the case -- were unafraid to challenge the reasoning of the Supreme Court's decision.
While speaking on the Senate floor shortly after the decision, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., suggested the bill was sold to the American people on a deception because the court ultimately ruled the health care law's individual mandate is constitutionally acceptable when defined as a tax.
The president of the United States himself promised up and down that this bill was not a tax. This was one of the Democrats' top selling points, because they knew it would never have passed if they said it was a tax, McConnell said. The court's ruling doesn't mark the end of the debate. It marks a fresh start on the road to repeal.
In what the left-leaning blog ThinkProgress described as almost an apoplectic reaction to the ruling, U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, said the Supreme Court's ruling was illegitimate and called for the impeachment of Justice Elena Kagan, who he said violated federal law by voting on the health care case after serving as Solicitor General when the legislation was initially passed.
Other conservative leaders also promptly took to Twitter to infer the Supreme Court decision was a strike against American freedoms.
Sarah Palin: Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies.
Rep. Michelle Bachmann: I'm disappointed #SCOTUS thinks gov't knows better than people. I won't stop fighting #Obamacare until is [sic.] full repeal. RT if you're with me.
Rep. John Boehner: We don't have to accept #ObamaCare. The House will continue to fight for #fullrepeal #4jobs
Rick Santorum: #SCOTUS outcome is major setback for freedom & biggest permanent tax increase in our nation's history. Elections matter.
Ben Shapiro, a columnist, went one step further, comparing the health care ruling to the Dred Scott decision (which ruled people of African descent brought to the U.S. and held as slaves were not protected by the Constitution).
This is the greatest destruction of individual liberty since Dred Scott. This is the end of America as we know it. No exaggeration, Shapiro tweeted.
Matt Drudge, the creator and proprietor of the conservative news aggregation website the Drudge Report, perhaps had the most honest reaction to the ruling.
Best thing that could have happened for the media, republicans. Super UGLY election coming. Everyone vs. everyone. Mine vs yours. Freedom vs...
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