Rick Santorum Says Sex Life Should be 'Special' [VIDEO]

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum has expressed his opinions on a number of national issues, from the economy to abortion. The former Pennsylvania senator has also got something to say about your sex life.
In a 2011 interview dug up by the Atlantic, the GOP hopeful said sex is special and procreation the perfect way that a sexual union should happen.
There's a lot of things we do for pleasure, and this is special, and it needs to be seen as special, Santorum told CaffeinatedThoughts.com last year. Again, I know most presidents don't talk about those things, and maybe people don't want us to talk about those things, but I think it's important that you are who you are. I'm not running for preacher.
The Pennsylvania Republican also implied that sex outside of marriage is immoral, calling contraception and the whole sexual libertine idea as dangerous.
It's not okay because it's a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They're supposed to be within marriage, for purposes that are, yes, conjugal... but also procreative.
Santorum has been outspoken about his socially conservative stances, which have gained a lot of attention during his 2012 campaign. Although he said he doesn't want those issues to define his platform, his strong opinions on abortion, same-sex marriage and birth control have made his stand out as a candidate. Santorum has said as president, he would make it illegal across the country for gay couples to marry and he seeks to overturn Roe v. Wade, making abortion illegal in all circumstances.
It isn't the first time Santorum has used the word special when talking about these issues, either. About two weeks ago, he used the word when arguing that two gay men or women shouldn't have the privilege of marriage because same-sex relationships don't benefit society.
Two people who may like each other or may love each other who are same-sex, is that a special relationship? Yes it is, but it is not the same relationship that benefits society, Santorum said at a campaign stop in Fulton, Missouri, according to The Huffington Post.
Santorum has been very vocal about beign pro-life as well. In a January interview with CNN's Piers Morgan, Santorum said that even a child conceived through an act of rape is a gift in a very broken way and that women who face such circumstances should make the best out of a bad situation.
Last week, the presidential candidate spoke out against President Barack Obama's proposal to make birth control coverage a requirement in all health insurance plans. He insisted, however, it wasn't an issue of social conservatism but first amendment rights.
The entire CaffeinatedThoughts.com interview is below:
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