Rod Blagojevich Prison Stay: 5 Things He Can Look Forward To

Ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich today is beginning the first day of his 14-year federal prison sentence on corruption charges, which included his intent to sell or trade President Barack Obama's U.S. Senate seat.
I'm leaving with a heavy heart, a clear conscience and I have high, high hopes for the future, Blagojevich said after leaving his home in Chicago on his way to the Federal Correction Institution -- Englewood in Littleton, Colo., the Associated Press reported.
While 14 years is a hefty sentence, Blagojevich may have some consolation in that the Colorado federal prison he will be calling home is a low-security institution that offers plenty of amenities and resources.
Here are five things Blagojevich can look forward to in prison:
1. Caramel Cremes
These tasty treats are on sale for 85 cents apiece at the prison commissary.
2. Pottery
The prison offers an arts and crafts program on leather, fine arts, pottery, painting, beading and ceramics.
3. Self-Improvement programs
From the prison's Admission& Orientation handbook:
All self-improvement programs have the goal of helping you help yourself. Whether they are to teach you vocational skills, academic skills, or show you ways to deal with anger, fear, drugs, sexual issues, or authority, they can help if you care enough.
4. Performance bonuses are tied to prison jobs
Outstanding work is rewarded with a bonus of up to 50 percent. Performance pay will be awarded to inmates who have demonstrated satisfactory work and performance, the handbook says.
5. Phone calls
Blagojevich will be limited to 300 minutes a month. But he should know calls are monitored and recorded, so he better watch what he says considering FBI wiretapped conversations led to his downfall.
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